Jumamosi, 3 Mei 2014

Lesson 1 Jesus the mighty deliverer 1
Lesson 2 What are demons and how do they behave? 5
Lesson 3 How do demons enter? 10
Lesson 4 How to be delivered 17
Lesson 5 How to retain your deliverance 24
Lesson 6 Understanding temptation 28
Lesson 7 Deliverance for children 31
Lesson 8 Practical considerations for the counsellor 37
John Ronaldson
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Jesus the mighty deliverer
Lesson 1
A. Isaiah's great prophecy
Read Isaiah 61:1-2
1. In the first message preached by Jesus in His hometown of Nazareth He quoted this
passage of scripture and said, "This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears". Luke
4:18, 21.
2. Jesus had come to proclaim what His task on earth was.
a) He would preach good tidings to the meek.
b) He would bind up the broken-hearted.
c) He would proclaim liberty to the captives.
d) He would open the prison doors for them that were bound.
e) He would proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.
3. We must never forget that it is Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, who delivers us
from the snare of the enemy.
B. We must appropriate our full salvation
Read Mark 16:16-18
1. We readily accept that if we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and are baptized we will
be forgiven our sins and saved.
2. We readily believe that we shall receive the Holy Spirit and speak in new tongues.
3. We readily believe that if we lay hands on one another we will be healed.
4. It is important that we also believe that we must be delivered from evil spirits in order
to experience the full freedom of our salvation.
We must be delivered from all evil spirits.
C. Jesus set the captives free
Read Luke 4:40-41
1. A great portion of Jesus' ministry was spent in delivering people from the bondage of
evil spirits.
2. On many occasions healing and deliverance went hand in hand. As the evil spirit was
cast out, so the person was healed from disease.
3. We should follow His example and expect to be used by the Holy Spirit to set the
captives free.
D. The early disciples moved in deliverance
Read Matthew 10:1, 7, 8
The twelve disciples were equipped by Jesus to preach the gospel, to heal the sick, to raise
the dead and to cast out evil spirits.
Read Luke 10:1, 17, 18
1. Jesus also equipped the seventy to go out and preach the gospel, heal the sick and cast
out evil spirits.
2. How excited they were that the evil spirits were subject to the name of Jesus!
3. Jesus rejoiced because He had seen Satan fall as lightning from heaven.
Read Acts 8:5-8
1. When Philip preached the gospel in Samaria many miracles and healings occurred and
unclean spirits cried out with loud voices as they came out of those who were
2. Verse 8 tells us that because of this great manifestation of God's power, there was
great joy in that city.
3. We, too, desire the people of our cities to experience great joy as the full gospel is
preached. God has given us the power, let us set the people free.
E. The believer's authority
1. Open our eyes. Read Ephesians 1:17-18.
a) Paul prayed earnestly that God would give us a revelation and knowledge of
b) He also prayed that our eyes would be opened to see who we are in Christ and
what our calling is.
c) In order for us to fight spiritual warfare and know how to defeat the evil one we
must understand clearly who we are in Christ and what our authority is.
d) It is time for the church of the Lord Jesus Christ to open their eyes and become
warriors in God's kingdom.
2. The greatness of our power. Read Ephesians 1:19-20.
a) The greatest power the world has ever known was that which raised Christ from
the dead.
b) This power has been invested in us who believe.
3. This power is far above all other powers. Read Ephesians 1:21-23.
a) This power is greater than the greatest powers in the universe, whether they be
principality, power or might, and everything that is named not only in this world
but even in the world to come.
b) Everything has been put under His feet and because He is the Head of the
church and we are His body, so everything has been put under our feet.
c) There is therefore no demonic power, not even the devil himself, who has more
power than the church – all evil forces are under our feet. We must keep them
4. We are complete in Him. Read Colossians 2:10.
a) Jesus is the head over all principality and power and we are complete in Him.
b) We do not need any other source of power or weapons, because we have every
resource in Christ.
5. Jesus spoiled principalities and powers. Read Colossians 2:15.
a) Jesus made a show and spectacle of all principalities and powers when He rose
from the dead.
b) He triumphed over the devil, fallen angels and demons and disarmed them –
their power was stripped from them.
c) Because we are in Christ, we walk in His victory and therefore should never
doubt the devil's defeat.
6. Our weapons of warfare are mighty. Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-4.
a) Although we are walking in the flesh we do not war after the flesh.
b) Our weapons are not carnal, that is, of the flesh or this world, but they are
mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
c) Carnal weapons cannot defeat spiritual strongholds. Only the weapons of God
can achieve such victory.
7. Power to tread on Satan the serpent. Read Luke 10:19.
a) Jesus tells us that He has given us power to tread on Satan the serpent and over
all the power of the enemy.
b) Nothing will hurt us as we tread on the evil forces that come against us.
c) Do not be afraid of the lies of the devil. We have the authority and power; he is
a defeated enemy.
8. Greater is He that is in us. Read 1 John 4:4.
a) Let us open our spiritual eyes to see that Jesus has won the victory and is seated
above all powers and principalities.
b) This same Jesus lives in us and has given us, His body, the power and authority
that He has won.
c) The evil one that is in the world is far, far weaker than Jesus, who lives in every
Christian who has received Christ as Saviour.
d) God is not a respecter of persons, which means that all Christians are treated
exactly the same. No matter what your position in the church, your power is
equal to anyone else, because it is the same Jesus who dwells in us all.
Memory verse
Luke 10:19, "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the
power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you".
What are demons and how do they behave?
Lesson 2
A. They are disembodied spirit beings
1. The scriptures do not tell us about the origin of demons except that they are very real
2. They are called various things in scripture such as:
"familiar spirits" Leviticus 20:6.
"unclean spirits" Mark 1:27.
devils Mark 16:17.
evil spirits Luke 7:21.
seducing spirits 1 Timothy 4:1.
3. Acts 23:8-9, distinguishes between angels and spirits, whilst many commentators
believe that demons are not necessarily fallen angels but, in fact, disembodied spirit
4. We believe that these spirits desperately desire to express themselves through the
bodies of human beings or animals.
5. If the evil spirit is a spirit of lust or of hatred, it will need a human body to express its
character of lust or hatred through.
6. They have evil personalities like Satan their master and have three main objectives:
a) To keep humans from coming to know Christ.
b) To keep Christians from serving Christ effectively.
c) To get the Christian to backslide and deny Christ.
B. Demons have personalities
1. They make decisions of their own.
Read Matthew 12:43-45
a) When cast out of a body, demons will wander about in dry places seeking a
place to rest.
b) They then decide to return to the original body they were in, which they call
their home.
c) They can speak to one another and encourage one other to join them in the
house now cleansed.
d) They agree to form gangs or groups worse than the original demon in the
person, which indicates that some demons are more powerful and evil than
2. They have knowledge and can talk to humans.
Read Mark 1:23-24
a) In this passage of scripture we see how the demons knew who Jesus was even
though many humans around Jesus did not know He was the Holy One of God.
b) The demons clearly spoke to Jesus audibly and, as many of us have experienced,
often in their own voice, which can be very different to the voice of the person
they inhabit.
3. They have names and are often afraid.
Read Mark 5:7-9
a) As soon as Jesus asked the demon its name it answered, "Legion, for we are
b) All these evil spirits have names of their own, depending on their character.
c) We see how demons can be afraid, as they begged Jesus not to torment them.
4. They live in animals as well.
Read Mark 5:11-13
a) If the demon cannot live in a human body, which seems to be their first choice,
they will try to enter an animal.
b) When demons enter an animal it will normally react violently or in a very
peculiar manner, as in the case of these pigs.
C. Demons operate from outside and inside
1. They harass or oppress us from outside the body.
Read 1 Peter 5:8-9 and James 4:7
a) We must learn to humble ourselves and be submitted to God constantly.
b) When the demons try to harass or tempt us from outside, we should immediately
resist them in Jesus' name and they will flee.
2. They bring us into compulsive bondage from inside the body.
Read Matthew 8:16
a) These demons cling to our souls and bodies like vultures on the carcass of our
old nature and even though we are saved and filled with the Holy Spirit they
compel us to do things we do not wish to do.
b) They attack us in a variety of ways, doing everything possible to break down our
will to live a Godly life.
c) They must be cast out in Jesus' name.
D. Demonic methods of attack
Read Proverbs 16:32 and 25:28
1. When we compare these two proverbs it is clear to see that God considers it far more
important for us to rule our spirit than conquer a city.
2. He who has no rule or control over his passions and emotions is like a city that is
broken down and without walls.
3. Unless we experience full deliverance from evil spirits, we will always be struggling
in certain areas of our Christian walk.
4. The following are the methods of attack used by demonic powers:
a) They force or compel us to do things we do not wish to do, for example in Luke
8:29 we see the man bound by a legion of demons being driven into the
wilderness. Compare this with how Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit in Luke 4:1
into the wilderness.
b) They tempt or entice us to say and do things which a Christian would not
normally do, as Ananias and Sapphira did in Acts 5. They lied to the Holy Spirit
and kept back part of the price of the land they had sold.
c) They deceive us into false doctrines. We read in 1 Timothy 4:1-2 that this will
happen in the end times and will cause many people to go astray.
d) They torment us in our minds, sometimes even making us insane as was the
man bound by the legion of demons in Luke 8:29.
e) They enslave us to things we do not wish to be a slave to and so cause us to
become addicted to things like alcohol, nicotine, drugs and food.
f) In Titus 1:15 we read that they defile our minds causing us to think on evil
things and even searing our conscience. Once our conscience is seared it is very
difficult for the Holy Spirit to convict and guide us.
g) They torment our bodies by bringing sickness upon us like arthritis or cancer
and crippling us with a spirit of infirmity like the woman who was bent over for
eighteen years that we read about in Luke 13:11.
h) They attack us in the sexual areas of our lives causing something that is
beautiful to become extremely ugly, as Paul tells us in Romans 1:27.
i) They can create amazing strength in our bodies, as with the Gadarene.
Imagine that you are a group of soldiers inside a fort fighting against an enemy that is outside
the walls of the fort. As the enemy comes against you and tries to climb over the walls, it is
not difficult to see who they are and you can shoot them easily. So it is with demons outside
your body – when they harass you it is not difficult to rebuke and resist them and they will
flee. However, if in your fort there are some of the enemy who have come in unbeknown to
you and who are mixed in with your fellow soldiers, then you are in extreme danger. For
while you are fighting the enemy who is trying to come in from the outside, those inside will
be stabbing you in the back. So it is with demons inside our bodies, they compel us to sin
from inside and it is very difficult to resist them. We must cast them out and then we will gain
the victory of walking the holy walk.
Memory verse
Proverbs 25:28, "He that has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and
without walls".
Teacher’s notes
1. If a Christian who is baptized in the Holy Spirit cannot get the victory over certain areas of
his life, then it is an indication that there may be demonic activity.
2. Often demons work in groups or gangs and, when a particular demon is discerned, one
should be aware that other demons associated with that one may also be there.
3. Usually there is a "strong man" or main demon who is often the demon that the person
knows is the most powerful one in him.
4. In Mark 3:27 Jesus tells us that we must bind the strong man first and then we can plunder
the house of the other demons.
5. The following are just a few of the many groupings of demons that occur in people:
Fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of man, fear of poverty, fear of heights/darkness,
Stubbornness, self-will, disobedience.
Sexual impurity
Lust, homosexuality, lesbianism, fornication, incest, harlotry, fantasy, masturbation,
pornography, seduction
Compulsive eating, bulimia, anorexia nervosa, fear of starvation.
Suicide, death, despondency, dejection, hopelessness, insomnia, discouragement.
Self-pity, shyness, inferiority, low self worth.
Witchcraft, black magic, charms, fetishes, astrology, ancestral worship.
How do demons enter?
Lesson 3
A. The devil has no favourites
Read John 10:10
1. The devil works exactly opposite to the way our Lord Jesus Christ does.
2. Jesus comes to bring life and to give life abundantly.
3. Satan comes to steal and to kill and to destroy; his aim is to destroy all humans,
especially Christians, because he hates us.
4. Demons are like their master, Satan. They follow the same pattern. They too hate
human beings and wish to destroy us and lead us away from our Saviour.
B. Demons seek a door through which to enter
Read 1 Peter 5:8
1. The devil and his demons are always seeking someone they can devour.
2. Demons cannot enter our bodies unless we open the door to them. That is why Peter
warns us to be vigilant.
3. There are many doors which are opened to evil spirits in our lives and it is these doors
which we will now consider.
C. Doors that are opened to demons
1. Sins of our forefathers.
Read Exodus 20:3-6
a) It is very clear from scripture that God visits the iniquities of the fathers upon
their children to the third and fourth generation “of them that hate Me”.
So, therefore, it is important to get your life right with God so that this door will
be closed.
b) You will have seen and heard many times how certain family lines have specific
problems that pass down from one generation to the next, for example:
i) Certain diseases like cancer and arthritis; or
ii) mental diseases like epilepsy, short temper, phobias, insanity and
alcoholism; or
iii) physical problems like lameness or being crippled.
Why is this?
c) If our forefathers were involved in the occult, such as witchcraft and false
religions, or were involved in certain habitual sins like adultery, fornication and
divorce, then God allows these iniquities to be passed down to the children “of
those who hate Him”.
d) These passed-down iniquities give legal ground or rights for demons to enter us
in the pre-natal stage i.e. when we are conceived in our mother's womb.
e) They then remain dormant until the time is right for them to manifest
themselves, e.g. divorce, suicide, abortion, homosexuality, etc.
2. Curses over our families or ourselves.
Read Deuteronomy 28:2, 15
a) It is amazing to see how very clear God is regarding blessings and curses. He
goes to great lengths and detail in chapter 28 to reveal the seriousness of the
great blessings if we obey Him and the awful curses if we disobey Him.
b) You will note in this chapter that only the first fourteen verses concern blessings
and the balance of fifty four verses concern curses.
c) A curse may have been placed upon your family in previous generations by:
i) God – if they worshipped idols; or
ii) By another person over your forefathers – because of some disagreement;
iii) Because of something you have done, or had spoken over you, in your
own lifetime.
d) You may often experience failure in your life although you try extremely hard
to be diligent and to follow God with all your heart.
e) It seems to be something that you cannot reasonably explain but which appears
to have a hold over you and your family. This may well be demonic activity
brought on by a curse.
f) Read Galatians 3:13-14. From this scripture you will see that the wonderful
news is that if we live our lives in Christ “Christ has redeemed us from the
curse of the law”. Therefore all curses can be broken in His Name.
Read Genesis 31:32
a) Here we see Jacob as the authority unknowingly placing a curse over his wife
b) In Genesis 35:16-19 we see that shortly after this incident Rachel dies, after
giving birth to her son Benjamin.
c) We should note that:
i) A person can place a curse over our life, especially if he/she is in
ii) Rachel had involved herself with idols, which God had clearly warned in
His Word would bring a curse upon that person.
3. Occult.
Read Deuteronomy 18:9-14
a) When we become involved in any kind of occultic practice, such as forms of
witchcraft, or approach mediums for guidance, we are collaborating with the
b) In Deuteronomy 7:25-26 we see that God commands that we burn all articles
associated with idolatry or witchcraft.
c) We should not even sell these items of witchcraft but utterly destroy them.
d) Any graven image, masks, occult books, pictures, ornaments or fetishes fall into
the above category and should be destroyed.
e) All these articles give legal ground for demonic activity in the life of a person.
4. False religion.
Read 2 Corinthians 11:3-4
a) Paul warns us clearly to be very careful not to be seduced or beguiled by those
who preach another Jesus.
b) Many false religions use the Bible, mention the name of Jesus or Jehovah, who
is our God, and yet it is not the same God we preach nor do they interpret the
Bible correctly.
c) They preach another gospel, one different to ours which then causes us to
receive another spirit and not the Holy Spirit.
d) Do not even read their material, which often appears to be good and yet can
seduce and beguile us, even as Satan beguiled Eve by using cunning means.
5. Pride, arrogance and selfishness.
Read James 3:14-16
a) James warns us that if we become selfish or arrogant in our own earthly wisdom
we open ourselves to devilish inspiration.
b) If an evil spirit enters our life it will lead us into confusion, disharmony,
rebellion and vile practices.
c) It is interesting to note that spiritual conflict always follows an expression of
pride, that is, when we place confidence in our own ability instead of in God.
See James 4:6-10, 1 Peter 5:5-9, Exodus 20:25.
6. Traumatic and emotional crisis.
a) Many people have traumatic experiences as children that could allow demonic
strongholds into their minds, e.g.
i) They nearly drown – they have a great fear of water.
ii) They were abandoned through the death or divorce of parents – they have
a great fear of being abandoned or they can have spirits of grief.
iii) People sometimes have physical trauma such as serious accidents or
severe sickness, which allows in spirits of fear, etc.
b) Emotional crises, such as being abused sexually as a child, could allow spirits of
homosexulism, lesbianism, and harlotry into them.
c) If a child is physically or mentally abused, then the spirits of rejection and fear
of man enter the child.
7. Rebellion.
Read 1 Samuel 15:23
a) God clearly reveals in this scripture that rebellion is equal to the sin of
witchcraft, while stubbornness is equal to idolatry.
b) There are many ways in which we can rebel:
i) Rebellion against God. Isaiah 1:20.
ii) Against human authority e.g. government. Romans 13:1-5.
iii) Rebelling against parents. Ephesians 6:1-3.
iv) Rebelling against husband. 1 Peter 3:1-4.
v) Rebelling against wife. Ephesians 5:24-31.
c) As we learn to submit, so we learn to walk by faith because it requires faith to
submit. Without faith it is impossible to please God.
d) Rebellion opens the door and evil spirits could enter our lives.
8. Unforgiveness.
Read Matthew 18:23-35
a) Jesus tells us this parable to explain the importance of forgiveness and the
consequences if we do not forgive.
b) Notice that in verse 35 Jesus makes a very clear statement that if we do not
forgive others then our heavenly Father will hand us over to the tormentors or
evil spirits.
c) These evil spirits have full legal right from God to torment us until we forgive
the person who has harmed us.
d) There are a great variety of ways in which these evil spirits torment us either in
our bodies or our souls.
9. Believing a lie instead of God's Word.
Read John 8:44-47
a) The devil does everything possible to make us believe his lies about ourselves so
that we often accept a poor self-image from him.
b) The devil can use another person to speak to you and tell you how useless, ugly,
lazy or whatever you are, and you then make the great mistake of believing
c) When we believe these lies we open the door for oppression by evil spirits,
because in a way we accept them through the lie of the devil.
d) Instead of this we should believe what God's Word says about who we are in
10. Soul ties and transferral of spirits.
Read Proverbs 22:24-25
a) God has set clear boundaries for the way in which we should create relationships
with others and with whom we should create relationships.
b) When we transgress against these laws and enter into perverse relationships then
we give legal ground for demons to enter our lives.
c) Soul ties create spiritual channels, either good or bad e.g.
i) A husband and wife in a marriage sanctified by God have the Holy Spirit
operating between them.
ii) However, in an ungodly relationship, demonic activity takes place where
the demons from one person can transfer to the other.
iii) Often these wrong soul ties can develop between people of the same sex
such as homosexuals, which we read of in Romans 1:26-27 and this opens
the door for demons to enter.
11. Habitual Sin.
a) God's hedge around His people.
Read Job 1:7-12
i) It is clear from these verses of scripture that God had placed a hedge about
Job in order to protect him from the works of the evil one.
ii) We know from scripture that Satan is always going to and fro throughout
the earth seeking whom he might devour.
iii) He must have passed by Job's home in his wanderings but knew he could
not touch Job's family or possessions because God's protective hedge was
about them.
iv) In this case Job did not sin but God allowed the devil through the hedge in
order to prove what a mighty and blessed man Job was.
b) God's hedge removed.
Read Isaiah 5:5-6
i) Because of the sin of God's people, this hedge of protection will be broken
down and that leaves them open to desolation.
ii) It is very important to realize that the devil and his demons work within
the legal bounds allowed by God.
iii) They cannot transgress these bounds unless God gives them permission,
as in Job's case, or we purposefully go against God's revealed will and so
c) Footholds for the devil.
Read Ephesians 4:27
i) In this verse, the Bible speaks of neither giving place nor foothold to the
devil by sinning.
ii) The Greek word for place is "topos" from which we get the English word
iii) Topography means a region or locality or a place that someone could
iv) This verse is therefore saying that we must not give a place for the devil to
v) As soon as we purposely sin, e.g. letting the sun go down on our wrath,
and do not confess, repent and ask forgiveness, then the evil one has the
right to a place in our life.
d) Do not practise sin.
Read 1 John 5:18
i) The Holy Spirit tells us in this verse that when we are born again we must
not continue practising sin.
ii) We should rather keep ourselves in the love and purity of God so that the
wicked one cannot touch us.
iii) The Greek word for touch in this verse is "haptomai" which means to
fasten, cling or attach to.
iv) We can therefore read from this verse that if we practise sin, then the
demons can cling or fasten themselves to us.
e) We have a new master.
Read Romans 6:16
i) As Christians we have received a new master, Jesus Christ, and therefore
it is He whom we should serve.
ii) Because God has given us a free will we have the right to serve whom we
wish to serve: either God or the devil.
iii) Our actions clearly show whether we have decided to serve sin unto death
or obedience unto righteousness.
iv) Obedience will ensure God's hedge about us, but sin will allow the evil
one entry into our lives.
v) Let us choose to serve God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and
so keep the evil one out of our lives.
Memory verse
Romans 6:16, "Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are
to whom ye obey, whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?"
How to be delivered
Lesson 4
A. The kingdom of God is manifested
Read Matthew 12:28
1. When we experience or see deliverance, we know that the kingdom of God is being
2. Every time a demon is cast out of a person in Jesus' name we are demonstrating the
superiority of God's kingdom over satan's kingdom.
3. Just as Jesus made a spectacle of the evil one when He rose from the dead, so He again
makes a spectacle of the evil one when demons are cast out.
B. Honestly desire to be set free
Read Psalm 139:23-24
1. We must deeply desire to be set free from whatever bondages we have and which
prevent us from serving Christ effectively.
2. The evil spirits must understand very clearly that you absolutely detest them and
intend to expel them at whatever cost.
3. Do not harbour thoughts of "maybe I do not want the spirit to leave me because then I
cannot continue to lust or be a glutton".
4. Be prepared to go to whatever lengths God guides you in order to be freed and to stay
C. Depend humbly on God
Read James 4:6-10
1. Submit yourself totally to God and humble yourself before Him so that pride in no
way prevents you from hearing God and confessing your need and sin.
2. Confess your need to God and trust that, as you call on the name of the Lord, you shall
be delivered.
3. Do not be concerned that you may appear foolish or be thought less of in front of those
who are assisting you in deliverance. Know that they too have had to humble
themselves and their only desire is your freedom.
D. Salvation and baptisms
Read Acts 2:38
1. It is imperative that we are born again and that our spirit is alive to God.
2. We must have been separated from the world and the old life by going through the
waters of baptism.
3. Jesus must baptize us in His Holy Spirit in order for us to experience new life, have
power to follow Him, and power over the enemy.
4. These are fundamental issues and if they are not fulfilled in our lives we are left open
to demonization and unable to come against these evil spirits in deliverance.
E. The Holy Spirit knows our heart
Read Jeremiah 17:9-10 and Job 13:23
1. We all know how often our heart proves to be deceitful and even we ourselves do not
realize how deeply hidden sin is in our lives.
2. God alone knows our heart because it is He who searches it and will guide us to what
we should confess and repent of.
3. We should allow the Holy Spirit to guide us into all the areas of our lives where we
need to confess sin and its effect in our lives.
4. Like Job we must desire to be open to God to reveal where we have transgressed
against His will.
F. Confession
Read Ezekiel 20:43 and Psalm 32:5
1. As God reveals the evil in our life we should confess it to Him and ask forgiveness.
2. Do not make excuses for the sin by blaming it on someone else but accept
responsibility and acknowledge that you have failed Him directly.
3. Understand that God is quick to forgive when honest confession is made and
forgiveness is sought.
4. The sin should be named for what it is, i.e. what it should be called and not a watered
down version of the sin.
5. Be completely honest with the person helping you so that you both know what to
come against when rebuking the spirits.
G. Repentance
Read 2 Corinthians 7:10 and Matthew 27:3
1. Paul explains to the Corinthians that godly sorrow for sin works true repentance, i.e.
we will turn away from the evil we have been or are committing.
2. But worldly sorrow such as that of Judas, which is not true remorse but merely selfish
sorrow, leads only to death.
3. It is imperative that when confessing our sin we intend with all our heart to turn
completely away from it.
4. Any unrighteous relationship or practice requires our instant attention – we must
resolve to rectify the problem immediately after deliverance, if it is not already
5. Confession, repentance and resolve are the keys to deliverance.
H. Illegal tenants
Read Luke 3:9
1. It is important to make the demons illegal tenants in your body; they must have no
legal right to remain.
2. While there is unconfessed sin or sin not repented of, the demons are not obliged to
leave and if they do, then they have the right to return.
3. This requires that we close every door that was originally opened to them and break
every legal right they have in our lives.
I. Closing the doors and expelling the demons
1. Iniquities of your forefathers. Exodus 20:3-6.
a) Are you aware of any sins of your forefathers, including your father and mother?
b) Examples are:
i) Involvement in secret societies/cults e.g. Freemasonry, false religions.
ii) Involvement in the occult e.g. spiritism.
iii) Habitual sin such as alcoholism, adultery, theft, divorce.
Renounce and disown all known and unknown sins of ancestors and cancel all
demonic influence – break cords of iniquity.
2. Curses over your family. Deuteronomy 28:2, 15.
a) Are you aware of any curse having been placed over the family?
b) Is there a particular trend running through your family from one generation to
the next? e.g. i) poverty
ii) suicide
iii) accident prone
iv) constant lack of success in life
v) divorce, alcoholism, etc.
vi) medical problems, e.g. insanity, cancer.
Renounce all known and unknown curses over your family and yourself. Break them
in the name of Jesus.
3. Occult and false religion. Deuteronomy 18:9-14; 2 Corinthians 11:3-4.
a) Have you been involved in any form of the occult or any false religion?
b) Go through the list of occultic practices attached to these notes and note where
you have been involved.
Renounce all previous and current involvement. Ask forgiveness and make up your
mind never to get involved again.
4. Soul ties.
Establish which soul ties with people past and present are ungodly.
Break all ungodly soul ties and make up your mind not to continue ungodly
5. Traumatic and emotional crisis.
Establish any crisis you may have had from early childhood to the present day, e.g.
adoption, divorce of parents, serious accident, death of loved ones, child abuse, severe
illness, serious operations, etc.
Pray for healing and reclaim all ground conceded to evil spirits.
6. Unforgiveness and bitterness. Matthew 18:35.
a) If there is any unforgiveness or bitterness in your heart, you open the door to the
b) It is not a matter of forgetting but a "will" decision by faith to forgive.
c) If the incident keeps on rising in your inner man then it would appear that you
have not really forgiven.
d) You need to acknowledge the hurt and hate and confess it as sin and forgive the
offender unconditionally.
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal all areas and ask forgiveness. Rebuke the tormentors.
7. Rebellion.
Have you been rebellious toward any person, e.g. God, human authority, parents,
husband or wife?
Ask for forgiveness where you have been rebellious and reclaim ground conceded to
evil spirits.
8. Pride, arrogance and selfishness. James 3:14-16.
a) Be completely humble and acknowledge your areas of pride, arrogance and
b) There may be several areas in your life where you have believed in your own
ability or have been arrogant and selfish in your lifestyle.
Renounce all aspects of self, ask forgiveness and cancel all ground given to evil
9. Believing a lie instead of God's Word. John 8:44-47.
What negative things have you believed about yourself, e.g. that you are ugly, never
good enough, useless, etc?
Ask for forgiveness for believing lies and make up your mind to believe what God's
Word says about you.
10. Habitual sin.
You should confess any sin from either the past or present which you feel may have
opened doors to evil spirits, e.g. homosexualism, lesbianism, alcoholism, pornography,
Confess, ask forgiveness and make up your mind not to continue in these sins.
11. Character traits.
Establish all irrational and compulsive traits in your character which you have
desperately, yet unsuccessfully, sought to overcome, e.g. anger, impatience, gluttony,
bulimia, anorexia nervosa, lust, phobias, domination.
Confess wrong traits for what they are, ask forgiveness and expel spirits.
12. Physical ailments.
You may have a physical ailment such as asthma, arthritis, sores that constantly appear
on your body or many of the other sicknesses that plague our bodies. The ailment may
involve blindness, deafness, dumbness, being crippled, internal organ malfunctions,
e.g. spastic colon. Do not automatically accept these things but try to discern if they
are demonically linked.
Acknowledge that by Christ's stripes we have been healed, rebuke the foul spirits
concerned and cast them out. Claim your healing in Jesus' name.
J. Rebuking and manifestations
Read Luke 8:26-32
1. You will notice in this incident that the Lord must have commanded the demons to
leave on several occasions, because we see how they plead with Him in various ways.
2. Also, the Lord asks them their name, which they readily answer as Legion, and He
then commands them to leave.
3. We too should name the demons as we command them to leave and get them to name
themselves, if we are not sure who they are.
4. There are occasions when the demons will manifest before leaving the person they
inhabit, as with the son with a deaf and dumb spirit in Mark 9:25-26.
5. Do not be afraid of the manifestations because we have full authority over the demons
and they must obey us.
6. It would appear that extreme manifestation is often due to the candidates for
deliverance not having prepared themselves properly for deliverance, for example:
a) Being caught unawares in a meeting and not expecting to be delivered, or
b) not being genuine enough in really desiring to be set free.
7. The following are possible manifestations. Many people, however, experience no
manifestation at all when being delivered:
a) Tightening in chest or throat.
b) Pain in various parts of the body.
c) Tingling sensation in face or hands.
d) Twitching of the face.
e) Strong odour.
f) Strange look in eyes.
g) Yawning, vomiting, coughing, weeping.
h) Hyperventilation, dizziness.
i) Sweating.
j) Convulsions and twisting of parts of the body.
k) Rolling on floor.
l) Grunting and strange noises.
m) Speaking through person's voice or different voice.
n) Anger and rage.
o) Abnormal strength.
p) Appear vacant and cannot answer.
q) Appear to be unconscious or dead.
NB: Deliverance is not a joke nor is it to be taken lightly. When people are being delivered we
are shaking the kingdom of darkness – the supernatural is a very real world.
How to retain your deliverance
Lesson 5
A. The devil is an ancient foe
Read Ephesians 6:11
1. We need to understand that the devil is an ancient foe of God and man.
2. He has spent many thousands of years trying to break down the plans of God.
3. He is the greatest enemy of God, and therefore of man, and is very experienced in
deceiving mankind.
4. We should remember that Adam and Eve were made perfectly by God and lived in a
perfect environment, the Garden of Eden, yet satan deceived them.
5. That is why Paul tells us in this verse that we should put on the whole armour of God
in order to stand against the devil's wiles.
6. The word "wiles" means different methods, which the devil uses to plan our downfall,
to trap us and ruin our hope of salvation.
B. Is the house occupied?
Read Matthew 12:43-45
1. Jesus' warning to us is very clear.
a) When the unclean spirit goes out of the person it walks about in dry places
seeking rest.
b) It then decides to return to see if its old house is still empty.
c) If it finds the house empty and swept clean then it goes and finds seven other
spirits even more wicked than itself and they enter in and dwell there.
d) The last state of the man is then considerably worse than the beginning.
2. It is absolutely imperative that once the demons have been cast out, we allow the Holy
Spirit to control every part of our spirit, soul and body.
3. When the demons return they should always find their home occupied by the Holy
Spirit of God.
C. How do demons get back into us?
Read Romans 13:11-14 and Ephesians 4:25-32
1. The world, the flesh and the devil are constantly at war against the life of the Spirit.
2. Any opening that we create and which we do not repent of immediately creates
possible avenues for these spirits to return.
3. Serious and persistent sin opens the door. We must resist the desire of the flesh and
temptations of the world and satan constantly.
4. The Holy Spirit is ever present to convict us as Christians of any area in our life which
grieves Him. We must not harden our hearts and resist His promptings.
5. If we become passive in our Christian walk and do not fight back against every evil
temptation, then we progressively weaken and allow the foul spirits to slowly but
surely get a foothold in our lives again.
D. Keys to keeping the doors closed
1. Put on the whole armour of God.
Read Ephesians 6:10-18
a) Because we are not wrestling against flesh and blood but against evil spiritual
beings, we need to apply spiritual armour.
b) It is good, mentally, to put on our spiritual armour daily, part by part,
considering this wonderful revelation; that Jesus is our armour.
i) Our loins girt with truth – Christ is the way the truth and the life.
John 14:6.
ii) The breastplate of righteousness – Christ is our righteousness.
1 Corinthians 1:30.
iii) Our feet fitted with the gospel of peace – Christ is our peace. John 14:27.
iv) The shield of faith – Christ is the perfecter of our faith. Hebrews 12:2.
v) The helmet of salvation – Christ is our salvation. Hebrews 2:10.
vi) The sword of the Spirit – The Word of God, that is the sword, is Jesus.
John 1:1.
2. Take every thought captive for Christ.
Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-6
a) Again, the Bible is clear that our weapons of warfare are not carnal but mighty
through God.
b) They are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds in our minds. We demolish
them and cause the demons to flee.
c) They are mighty to the casting down of imaginations of anything that exalts
itself against the knowledge of God.
d) They are mighty to the bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of
Christ. Every evil thought that is against Christ is taken prisoner and led into
e) Being ready to avenge all disobedience, that is, to stand firm at all times against
anything that opposes the gospel.
3. Keep the right company.
Read 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 and Psalm 1:1-3
a) It is important that we do not leave the ranks of the Christians and start to mix
with unbelievers. This does not mean that we should not have any contact with
them, but our relationship should be guarded. Their minds are seared by sin and
so they have very little desire to control their evil intents.
b) If we associate with unbelievers in an unnatural way, the chances of us being
drawn into unhealthy relationships and experiences are greater.
4. Remain Christ-centred.
Read Colossians 3:1-3 and 15-17
a) When we were dead men we acted like dead men but now that we have risen
with Christ, let us act like living men.
b) We should be constantly setting our minds on things above and not on things of
this world.
c) Let us seek the things of God and not of the world and the flesh.
d) Let God's peace rule in our hearts, let the word of Christ dwell in us richly and
let us do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus.
5. Pray to and praise God without ceasing.
Read 1 Thessalonians 5:17 and Hebrews 13:15
a) By praying without ceasing we constantly keep our minds on God.
b) By praising Him without ceasing we enjoy His fellowship, for He inhabits the
praises of His people.
c) Prayer and praise go hand in hand, and joy and communion are the fruit.
6. Submit yourself to godly leadership and fellowship.
Read Hebrews 13:17 and 10:24-25
a) Without godly leadership in our lives, error can easily enter. We are like sheep
without a shepherd.
b) God has ordained leadership in the church for the very purpose of guiding and
protecting the sheep. To rebel against, or deny leadership, is tantamount to
opening the doors to spirits of rebellion and deceit.
c) Not being in fellowship with the body of Christ is like being a coal outside the
fire: it is cold and lifeless. When in the fire it is red hot and burning with life and
so too with the Christian. We need each other for support, protection, guidance
and life.
7. Deal with sin immediately.
Read 1 John 1:9
a) We need to confess and repent of our sin immediately in order to close the door
that is being opened to evil spirits.
b) God responds by doing four things when we confess:
i) He is faithful to us.
ii) He is just with us.
iii) He forgives us our sins.
iv) He cleanses us from all unrighteousness.
E. Deliverance is ongoing
Read Exodus 23:28-33
1. Here we see God promising the Israelites that as they go forward in their service to
Him, He will provide their protection and make them conquerors of their enemies.
2. The day one goes through deliverance must be treated courageously as a day of
3. A clear decision must be made before God, man and the devil, that a new walk and
lifestyle with God will be entered into.
4. Every bit of land that has been recaptured from the enemy must be held onto zealously
and as we grow in faith and purpose, so more land will be taken.
5. We are in a war that will not cease until we go home to be with the Lord, but God has
promised us that we are more than conquerors.
Understanding temptation
Lesson 6
A. Introduction
1. There are many powers in and around us that tempt us to make wrong decisions,
which we need to understand in order for us to deal with them effectively.
2. God has given us clear warning and guidance in His Word of how to avoid or
overcome these powers.
3. These powers try to form strongholds in our minds in order to open gateways for
4. It is important to understand that the Cross of Calvary is central to the victory which
we can experience over evil.
B. Strongholds
Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
1. A stronghold is a place or fortress where the enemy builds a power base to operate
2. Strongholds are thought patterns which are alien to God and yet we hold on to them
for many different reasons.
3. Paul tells us in these verses that a stronghold is an imagination that exalts itself before
4. This is a set of ideas which we have accepted or adopted in our lives as a way of
5. This way of living or thinking we have stubbornly held on to, believing it to be either a
truth or necessity for our way of living.
6. Any idea of our mind, which is not submitted to God, is an area of rebellion against
7. This rebellion will either be revealed through the truth of God's Word or by the Holy
Spirit in our spirit.
8. However, a lie can become so entrenched in our mind that it is extremely difficult for
us to receive instruction or guidance as to its evil.
9. This evil habit or lie now becomes a potential dwelling place for demons.
10. Paul also adds that every thought should be taken captive in obedience to Christ. As
these powers attack our minds with evil thoughts, we should act immediately, or a
stronghold will start to be formed.
11. These scriptures tell us that our weapons are mighty through God to the pulling down
of these strongholds but we need to truly repent and make up our minds not to revert to
the habit or thought pattern.
Let us understand the powers that tempt us or try to build strongholds in our minds.
C. The world
Read 1 John 2:15
1. We are commanded and warned by the Holy Spirit in this verse not to love two things.
a) "The world" – the Greek word is "kosmos" which means the organizational
structure of the world.
b) "Neither the things that are in the world". These are all the things that make up
the world system, which is in rebellion against God.
Read 1 John 2:16
2. Here the Holy Spirit goes on to explain what these things are which are in the world.
a) The lust of the flesh – this means all the things that gratify the fallen nature of
men, e.g. gluttony, sodomy, fornication, etc.
b) The lust of the eyes – because of their fallen nature men lust after what they see
about them.
The world produces many evil and fallen things for the eyes to lust after, e.g.
lust for women, coveting other people's wealth or possessions, idolatry, etc.
c) The pride of life – the world teaches us from our youth to be proud and
arrogant. We become vain and self-righteous and seek positions of power and
will not tolerate any power over us, especially a Holy God.
Read 1 John 2:17
3. A great secret of the Christian walk is to ensure that we do not open ourselves to the
things of this world.
a) This means that we should guard our actions and thoughts regarding all these
temptations around us and purpose not to allow the evil one to trap us through
b) Although we are in the world we are not of it, i.e. although we live in the world
we should not take part in its rebellion against God.
c) It is important to remember that the prince of this world is satan and so he uses
every avenue in it to trap and misguide Christians.
d) There is very little in the world that is not tainted by his evil influence, whether
it be in the news media, such as newspapers, magazines, television, or the
entertainment world of films, concerts and such like. Governments and
commerce are equally affected in their rebellion against God.
e) We are constantly tempted to get involved with the world in its great variety of
f) Often this temptation starts only with thoughts being put into our minds, which
we should immediately take captive for Christ.
g) If we do not, they start to form strongholds in our minds, which can eventually
lead to demonic invasion.
h) Wisdom requires then that we do not expose ourselves unnecessarily to the
things of this world.
D. Understanding the flesh
Read Romans 6:6-8
1. We cannot cast the flesh out; we can only crucify it through the finished work of
Calvary. At the same time we cannot crucify demons; we must cast them out.
2. Often we blame evil spirits for our constant wrongdoing, whereas in fact, it is our
fallen nature that we have not crucified.
3. We should distinguish clearly that which is of the flesh and that which is demonic
4. Often what we fight today is merely the consequence of what we have sown yesterday.
“As we sow so shall we reap”.
5. We have the victory over our carnal nature and must apply the authority of our will
over the temptations of our fallen nature.
6. Remember that the very evil we keep secret in our lives is the breeding ground for
demonic stronghold and habitation.
7. Everything should be brought into the light and sincerely repented of.
8. Only if, after repentance and standing firm in our resolve to resist satan, we find that
we are still strongly influenced by a particular evil stronghold, should we consider
deliverance from demons.
Deliverance for children
Lesson 7
A. Suffer little children and forbid them not
Read Matthew 19:13-15
1. On many occasions in the body of Christ we tend to consider children as being nonspiritual
or not spiritually active.
2. It is important to realize that children, already in the pre-natal stage, are spiritual
beings and are open to spiritual attack.
3. Every precaution should be taken by the parents and church leadership to ensure that
the children are free of demonization.
B. A biblical account
Read Mark 9:17-29
1. This young boy was severely harassed by demons, so much so that he was:
a) deaf and dumb,
b) foamed at the mouth and gnashed his teeth,
c) had fits and was suicidal,
d) he was pining away and Matthew tells us he was insane.
2. Jesus immediately and with authority deals with the foul spirit, commanding it to leave
the boy.
3. From this account we can see that the principles of deliverance, whether for children
or adults, remain the same. They are:
a) Know and have faith in your authority in Christ.
b) Discern the spirit.
c) Command it to leave and not to return.
d) Fast and pray if lead by the Holy Spirit to do so.
4. However, due to the different stages of growth in the child, we need to approach the
child in different ways.
C. Pre-natal stage
1. We know from the previous studies that demons can legally enter the foetus for
different reasons:
a) Sins of the forefathers.
b) Curses on the family.
c) Experiences in the womb, such as attempted abortion, drugs, physical trauma.
2. The parents need to be saved and desire deliverance for the foetus.
3. They should be questioned on much the same basis as for adult deliverance regarding
iniquities of the forefathers, curses and what may have happened since conception.
4. a) Iniquities should be confessed and forgiveness asked for and the iniquities
broken over the foetus, and the same should be done with curses.
b) Whatever has transpired since conception, such as considered abortion or
rejection, should be repented of.
c) The spirits should be discerned and cast out either by the parents or deliverance
d) A hedge of protection around the child should be prayed for and the parents
should be encouraged to keep on praying for the child on an ongoing basis.
D. Very small children
1. These are children who cannot communicate intelligently or with reasonable verbal
ability, usually 1-3 years old.
2. Again the same procedure should be followed as applied to a child in the pre-natal
3. The child might have experienced serious trauma at birth, or since then, so one should
trust the Holy Spirit for discernment as to demonic entrance.
4. If there is any radical irregularity in the child's day to day behaviour, i.e. if it is totally
abnormal, then trust the Holy Spirit for discernment.
5. Do not alarm the child with shouting and an aggressive attitude.
6. Let the child sit on the parent's lap and calmly, but with authority, rebuke the
discerned demons and cast them out.
7. Often it is more advisable to deal with the child while it is asleep; the demons will
respond to your commands.
8. Do not forget that the child's spirit, although immature, will understand a lot of what
you say, therefore be careful how you speak about the child.
E. Young children – pre-teenagers
1. If the child is old enough to understand salvation he/she should be lead to Christ
before deliverance takes place. Again the same procedure for iniquities and family
curses should be applied.
2. Where the child has obvious and very serious problems in his character or reactions to
people, they should be discussed with him.
3. Either the parents or deliverance counsellor can do the deliverance but it is important
for the parents to be present and consenting.
4. It is the parents' task to ensure that a hedge is kept about the child and he is spiritually
5. Be wise regarding your terminology, e.g. do not say to the child "you have demons in
you" – this will naturally frighten him.
6. Let him understand the problems he has and if possible let him explain what he
7. Constantly trust the Lord for discernment so that you know what demons to come
8. If the child is mature enough, lead the child in an appropriate prayer of repentance and
forgiveness where necessary.
9. Let him join you by telling the spirits to leave him – give him confidence in his
authority over the evil forces.
10. Pray for healing for the child, whether for his damaged emotions, physical ailments or
for peace where he has been traumatized.
11. Encourage the child to memorize appropriate scriptures so that he can continue to
defend himself with the Word.
12. Parents should realize that the child does not miraculously turn into an angel after
deliverance – he is still a child with a fallen nature and open to temptation from the
F. Teenagers
1. Teenagers, like adults, need to be saved and filled with the Holy Spirit before
2. One cannot force salvation on the young person. However, to take them through
deliverance without them being saved opens them up to far more serious
3. Often teenagers are not comfortable with having their parents present during
deliverance because of possible embarrassment or unforgiveness. As parents, we
should recognise and accept his or her desire for going through deliverance with
someone else.
4. All the procedures followed for adults should be applied to the teenager.
5. Do not underestimate the spiritual ability of teenagers – if correctly taught they can be
mighty spiritual warriors in Christ's kingdom.
G. Protection for our children
1. It is very important to ensure that the child is brought up in a godly home.
2. Scriptures should be memorized and their authority in Christ emphasized.
3. They should be protected as much as possible from verbal, physical and spiritual
4. Ensure that those whose care you put your children under do not abuse or mistreat
them or expose them to evil.
5. Constantly keep your children under a blanket of prayer.
H. Unsaved children
Read Isaiah 49:25
1. Ask the Lord for discernment regarding what spirits and strongholds exist in the child.
2. Prayerfully come against discerned strongholds and pull them down.
3. Never give up praying and fighting the evil forces for your child – you have God
Almighty on your side.
4. Just as God promised the Israelites that He would save their children so we too can
turn to God for our children.
A. Our authority
Read Mark 16:17
1. Jesus tells us clearly that those who believe in Him will have signs following, which
includes the casting out of demons.
2. This means that as an individual believer I have the authority to cast out demons
whether in others or myself.
3. Demons are demons whoever they inhabit.
4. We believe it is preferable to have gone through deliverance with someone else first in
order to learn from the experience and have confidence.
5. It is important that we do not wish to take ourselves through self-deliverance because
of pride and not wishing others to know of our problems.
B. Discernment
1. It would seem that when we go through initial deliverance we are not always totally
cleaned out.
2. This means that as we go on in our walk with the Lord, we should always be open to
the Holy Spirit to put His finger on a certain area in our life.
3. When we discern a demon inhabiting us, we apply the same principles as we would if
casting it out of someone else.
4. Name the demon and command it to leave.
C. Our walk with God
1. We should understand that self-deliverance is not a short cut to holiness.
2. We need to be walking closely with God, confessing and repenting sincerely of known
sin and then casting out the spirit.
3. Sometimes we may be confused regarding demonization in that the demons may be
oppressing us from outside and, in fact, are not indwelling.
4. Apply James 4:7. Submit yourself to God, resist the devil and he will flee.
5. There are occasions when the demon blinds us so that we are totally deceived or
cannot easily discern its presence.
6. Because of this we should constantly be open to believers around us whom we can
trust to reveal this possibility, if it exists.
7. Do not see a demon behind every bush – let the Holy Spirit convict you either directly
or through the brethren.
Clearing a building
A. Finding the cause
1. There are occasions when demons consistently harass people in a specific building.
2. We should try and establish the history of the building to see where the roots are for
this manifestation, for example:
a) Curses on the building.
b) Previous use for satanic rites.
c) People killed or abused in the building.
Trust the Holy Spirit to point out to you any object in, or aspect of, the building that is
either linked with the occult or the demonic realm.
B. Cleansing the building
1. Break any curse which may exist over the building.
2. Renounce all previous satanic rites held in the building.
3. Claim back all ground conceded to the devil.
4. Remove any occultic object from the building.
5. After breaking any known curse and renouncing all previous occultic use, go from
room to room, commanding the evil spirits to leave.
6. Pray a blessing over the house, claiming it for Jesus Christ.
Practical considerations for the counsellor
Lesson 8
A. Know who you are and your authority in Christ
1. Meditate on the following scriptures and receive the rhema into your spirit of the
authority invested in you by Christ.
Ephesians 1:17-23; Colossians 2:10, 15; 2 Corinthians 10:3-4; Luke 10:19; 1 John
4:4; Mark 16:16-18.
2. Always speak confidently and positively to the counselee. Both the person and the
demons need to know that you are in charge and not afraid.
3. Be sure that you have been delivered yourself.
4. Pray the blood of Christ over your mind so that what you hear and see does not
influence your attitude toward the person nor negatively affect your mind.
B. Understand demons and how they work
1. Read books on the subject in order to understand the great variety of ways that demons
enter and are expelled.
2. Find the strong men first and deal with them.
3. Speak to the demons by name, e.g. “you demon of suicide come out in Jesus' name”.
4. Get them to name themselves by commanding them to do so. They will either speak
out directly or the person will hear them in his mind – he should then speak them out.
5. Command the demons to leave the premises, that they may not harass any person or
animal on the premises and may not go to the person's family and harass them.
6. Demons are deceivers like their father, satan, so they will:
a) Try to hide and bluff they are not there.
b) Lie and try to confuse you.
c) Beg you to leave them in their "home".
C. Pre-deliverance counselling
1. The counsellor requires absolute integrity and confidentiality and the counselee should
be made aware of this.
2. The counselee is usually apprehensive and afraid, so instil confidence into them that
you are in charge and no harm will come to them.
3. Allow the person to explain his/her needs and problems but constantly seek out the
roots of how the demons got in.
4. Be sure that the person really desires to be delivered, that he understands that he can
be demonized and the consequences of returning to his old ways once delivered.
5. Encourage the person to be absolutely honest and not to hold back information that
may well give the demon a legal right to remain.
6. Advise the person that they might manifest and not to worry – all will be under
7. Using the Deliverance Questionnaire ask the questions and keep notes in the
appropriate areas of pertinent information and possible spirits on the Deliverance
D. The anointing breaks the yoke. Isaiah 10:27.
1. Submit yourselves under the authority of the Lord. James 4:7.
2. Pray for the gifts of discerning of spirits, words of knowledge, words of wisdom and
the gift of healing.
3. Bind all spirits of doubt and unbelief.
4. Understand that it is the Holy Spirit from beginning to end who is the power for
deliverance – be totally reliant on Him at all times.
5. When you get stuck go back to the Holy Spirit or ask Him what the blockage is. He
will reveal either the root cause, or that fasting and prayer may be necessary, or a
turning away from a certain lifestyle, or lack of forgiveness, etc.
6. Read scripture that increases yours and the person's faith, e.g. Matthew 18:18,19,20.
7. The person being delivered must not be passive but directly involved and moving by
a) He should be praying in tongues in between deliverance of demons.
b) He should rebuke the demons himself.
c) He should be aggressive toward the demons.
d) He should be happy to join you in praising and worshipping God if you are
guided by the Holy Spirit to do so for release.
e) He should pray out aloud and not mumble, so that you know who is speaking
and what is being said.
8. Ensure that the person is saved and filled with the Holy Spirit – if not, get them to
repent and be filled with the Holy Spirit.
E. Actual deliverance
1. Seat the person on a chair in the middle of the room so that you have easy access to
2. They should not wander or walk about during the deliverance.
3. You should lead the exercise and not them. You must guide them and you, in turn,
must be submitted to the Holy Spirit.
4. They must confess sin for what it is and not make excuses, e.g. "my friends
encouraged me to do it" instead of "I did it".
5. Constantly be encouraging, guiding and loving the counselee so that they are confident
and not confused.
6. Go through the worksheet point by point confessing, asking forgiveness, purposeful
repentance and then rebuke and cast out associated demons.
7. They may be wearing fetishes, get them to remove them before actual deliverance.
8. Constantly communicate with them:
a) Lead them through the prayers if necessary.
b) They must inform you if there are manifestations like dizziness, nausea,
tightening in the chest and neck, headaches, a tingling sensation.
c) Ask the person if he knows he is free and if he does not, continue rebuking until
he is released.
F. Post-deliverance counselling
1. Often the counselee will be exhausted, especially if there has been severe
manifestation – give them something to drink and let them rest a bit before further
2. Encourage the person to make a very deliberate decision to consecrate himself or
herself anew to the Lord.
3. Pray for healing in the mind and body where demons have damaged them.
4. Pray for a new infilling of the Holy Spirit.
5. Often there are certain changes of relationships and habits that need to be made –
ensure that they purpose clearly to do so.
6. Advise them that if at any stage in the future they find that they are unable to
overcome a certain area of compulsive bondage in their life, then they should practise
self-deliverance by rebuking the demon revealed by the Holy Spirit.
7. If harassed by demons from the outside, they must submit themselves to God, resist
the demon and tell it to flee in Jesus' name. James 4:7.
8. Every morning they should prayerfully and by faith put on the spiritual armour of God.
Ephesians 6:11-18.
Finally, together thank God for the person's deliverance and pray a hedge about them and their
Occult practices
magic charms or casting spells
black and white magic
martial arts (e.g. karate)
blood pacts
astral projection
Transcendental Meditation
worshipping ancestral spirits
cults and false religions
A guideline for discerning whether a religion is false or not is to compare their fundamental
doctrine with the following verses from the Bible:
John 1:1 Jesus Christ is God.
1 John 4:1-3 It is a fact that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.
Acts 4:12 There is no other name under heaven by which we can be saved.
Ephesians 2:8,9 It is not by works but by grace that we are saved.
Hebrews 10:10-14 Jesus is the final and full sacrifice.
If it contradicts any one of these facts from God's Word, it is false.
Deliverance Questionnaire
A. Iniquities of forefathers. Exodus 20:3-6.
1. Ask the person if they are aware of any sins of their forefathers including their own
father and mother.
2. Examples are:
a) Involvement in secret societies/cults e.g. Freemasonry, false religions.
b) Involvement in the occult e.g. spiritism.
c) Habitual sin such as alcoholism, adultery, theft, divorce, etc.
B. Curses over the family. Deuteronomy 28:2, 15.
1. Are they aware of any curse having been placed over the family?
2. Is there a particular trend running through the family from one generation to the next
e.g. a) poverty
b) suicide
c) accident proneness
d) constant lack of success in life
e) divorce, alcoholism, etc.
f) medical problems, e.g. insanity, cancer.
C. Occult and false religion. Deuteronomy 18:9-14; 2 Corinthians 11:3-4.
1. Have they been involved in any form of the occult or in any false religion?
2. Let the person go through the list of occultic practices and point out where they have
been involved.
D. Soul ties.
Establish which ungodly soul ties with people past and present they may have had.
E. Traumatic and emotional crises.
Establish any crisis the person may have had from early childhood to the present day, e.g.
adoption, divorce of parents, serious accident, death of loved ones, child abuse, severe
illness, serious operations, etc.
F. Unforgiveness and bitterness. Matthew 18:35.
1. Advise the person that if there is any unforgiveness or bitterness in their hearts, they
open the door to the tormentors.
2. Explain that it is not a matter of forgetting but a "will" decision, by faith, to forgive.
3. If the incident keeps on rising in their inner man then it would appear they have not
really forgiven.
4. They need to acknowledge the hurt and hate and confess it as sin and forgive the
offender unconditionally.
5. Besides forgiving others they need to forgive themselves for failing God, others and
G. Rebellion.
Ask if the person has been rebellious toward any person, e.g. God, human authority, parents,
husband, wife, etc.
H. Pride, arrogance and selfishness. James 3:14-16.
1. Encourage the person to be completely humble and acknowledge his areas of pride,
arrogance and selfishness.
2. There may be several areas in their life where they have believed in their own ability
or have been arrogant and selfish in their lifestyle.
I. Believing a lie instead of God's Word. John 8:44-47.
What negative things have they believed about themselves, e.g. ugly, never good enough,
useless, etc.
J. Habitual sin.
They should confess any sin from either the past or present which they feel may have opened
doors to evil spirits e.g. homosexualism, lesbianism, alcoholism, pornography, lying.
K. Character traits.
Establish all irrational and compulsive traits in the person's character which they have
desperately yet unsuccessfully sought to overcome, e.g. anger, impatience, gluttony, bulimia,
anorexia nervosa, lust, phobias, domination, rejection, inferiority complex.
L. Physical ailments.
You may have physical ailments such as asthma, arthritis, sores that constantly appear on
your body or many of the other sicknesses that plague our bodies. The ailment may involve
blindness, deafness and dumbness, being crippled, internal organ malfunctions, e.g. spastic
colon. Do not automatically accept these things but try to discern if they are demonically
Deliverance Work Sheet
A. Iniquities of forefathers
Renounce and disown all known and
unknown sins of ancestors and cancel all
demonic influence – break cords of iniquity.
B. Curses
Renounce all known and unknown curses
over family and self. Break them in the name
of Jesus.
C. Occult and false religion
Renounce all previous and current
involvement. Ask forgiveness and purpose
never to get involved again.
D. Soul ties
Break all ungodly soul ties and purpose not
to continue ungodly relationships.
E. Traumatic and emotional crises
Pray for healing and reclaim all ground
conceded to evil spirits.
F. Unforgiveness & bitterness
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal all areas and
ask forgiveness. Rebuke tormentors.
G. Rebellion
Ask forgiveness where rebellious and reclaim
ground conceded to evil spirits.
H. Pride, arrogance, selfishness
Renounce all aspects of self, ask forgiveness
and cancel all ground given to evil spirits.
I. Believing a lie instead of God's Word
Ask forgiveness for believing lies and
purpose to believe what God's Word says of
J. Habitual sin
Confess, ask forgiveness and purpose not to
continue in these sins.
K. Character traits
Confess wrong traits for what they are, ask
forgiveness and expel spirits.
L. Physical ailments
Acknowledge that by Christ's stripes you
have been healed, rebuke the foul spirits
concerned and cast them out. Claim your
healing in Jesus' name.

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni