Jumamosi, 3 Mei 2014


Contemporary Error
[4th edition - August 2006]
Lesson 1 Introduction 1
Lesson 2 Islam 7
Lesson 3 Hinduism 14
Lesson 4 Spiritism 17
Lesson 5 Jehovah’s Witnesses 22
Lesson 6 Mormonism 27
Lesson 7 Freemasonry 32
Lesson 8 Scientology 35
Mark Visser
Errol Hoare
Copyright © 1998 All Africa Bible College
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Lesson 1
In these days of varied teachings it is important for Christians to know what they believe, and
essential to know how to recognise false teaching.
1 John 4:1 “Beloved, believe not every spirit but TRY THE SPIRITS whether they are of God”.
This study is not intended to be critical of others’ beliefs, but rather to show the error of some of
the other religions, cults and heresies, according to the Word of God, so that the differences can be
clearly seen. We must remember that there are many sincere people who are caught up in the cults
who are earnestly attempting to find peace and fulfilment for the deep needs of the human spirit,
which only the TRUTH can fill.
The basic error of cults is that they demote God, devalue Christ, deify man, deny sin and
degenerate Scripture. Therefore, the correct theology regarding all of the following Bible
doctrines is necessary to be in accordance with Historic Christianity:
1. The attributes of God.
2. The Person of Christ.
3. The requirement of Atonement.
4. The source of revelation.
A. What is a “Cult” and what is a “Heresy”?
1. Cult.
A cult is a system of religious worship – either "a new faith", which has been
"imported from another society" or the result of "cultural innovation". Generally
however, evangelicals have used the term "cult" to refer to religious groups that
deviate from recognised standards of evangelical orthodoxy.
Most religious traditions are the study of phenomena and are divided into two
main types:
a) The Abramic tradition – which represents the religions of Abraham, i.e.
Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
b) The Yogic tradition – which represents religions of Indian origin that have the
practice of yoga or meditation at their core, i.e. Hinduism and Buddhism.
2. Heresy.
A heresy is a doctrine or opinion that is contrary to the fundamental doctrine or
creed of any particular church. A heretic is one whose errors are doctrinal and usually
of a malignant character, tending to subvert the true faith.
Most cults and heresies falter on the doctrine of the person and work of Christ. This is
the rock on which they all split.
B. Nine ways to “test the spirits”
1 John 4:1 “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but TEST the spirits to see whether they
are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world”.
You need to know what you believe about these nine points:
1. God.
Most cults deny that God is personal.
Definition of a person: A self-determining and self-conscious being who thinks, feels,
wills and acts, and who enters into fellowship with others.
John 17:3 “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true God, and
Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent”.
2. The Trinity.
Most cults deny the existence of the Trinity and its divine members.
Creation: Gen.1:26 “Let us make man in our image ....”
Tower of Babel: Gen.11:7 “Let us go down and there confound their language”.
Baptism of Jesus: Matt.3:16-17.
3. The Person of Jesus Christ.
Most cults, if not all, deny His deity.
Matt.16:13 “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” (Note Peter’s answer and
Jesus’ response – v.16-17).
1 John 2:22-23 “Who is a liar, but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is
Antichrist that denieth the Father and the Son”.
1 John 4:2-3 “Hereby know ye the Spirit of God; every spirit that confesseth that Jesus
Christ is come in the flesh is of God”.
4. The Work of Christ (The Atonement).
Cults deny the cleansing power of the blood.
Mark 10:45 “For even the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister
and to give His life a ransom for many”.
Rom.5:8 “But God commandeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet
5. The Resurrection and Promised Return.
Bodily resurrection and return denied by most cults.
Acts 1:11 “... this SAME JESUS, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so
come in like manner as ye have seen Him go”.
6. Salvation by Faith / Sin & Judgement / Heaven & Hell.
Denied by most cults.
Heb.9:27 “And it is appointed unto man to die once but after that the judgement”.
Eph.2:8 “For by grace are ye saved through faith ... not of works ... gift of God”.
1 Pet.2:24 “Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree ...”
Cf. John 1:12, 3:16.
7. Man.
Cults never look on man as a sinner in need of a Saviour.
Rom.3:23 “For ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God”.
1 Tim.1:15 “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus
came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the chief”. (Paul)
8. The Holy Spirit.
His person denied by cults.
John 14:16 “And I will pray the Father and He shall give you another COMFORTER,
that He may abide with you forever”.
John 14:26 “But the COMFORTER, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will
send in My name, He shall teach you all things and BRING ALL THINGS TO YOUR
REMEMBRANCE, whatsoever I have said unto you”.
9. The Bible.
2 Tim.3:16 “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God ...”
2 Pet.1:21 “Holy men of old spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost”.
2 Pet.3:16 “... the ignorant and unstable distort ... the Scriptures, unto their own
Jesus said in John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the
Father, but by Me”.
Acts 4:12 “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other name under heaven
given among men, whereby we must be saved”.
C. The Christian Creeds
Paul, the apostle, exhorts us to watch our life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them because
if you do you will save both yourself and the hearer (1 Tim.4:16). Again Paul encourages us
to hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that we can encourage
others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it. (Tit.1:9)
From ancient times the Apostles’ Creed and other creeds of the Christian faith have been of
great assistance to the church in obeying its mission and vision. It presents in concise
language and consecutive order the doctrine of the Christian faith.
1. The Apostles’ Creed.
a) "The Old Roman Creed".
[From Epiphanius, lxxii.3 (P.G. xlii. 385 D).]
The creed of Marcellus, Bishop of Ancyra, delivered to Julius, Bishop of Rome,
c. 340. Marcellus had been exiled from his diocese through Arian influence and
spent nearly two years at Rome. On departing he left this statement of his belief:
“I believe in God Almighty, and in Christ Jesus, His only son, our Lord, who
was born of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, who was crucified under
Pontius Pilate and was buried, and the third day rose from the dead, who
ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father, whence He
cometh to judge the living and the dead, and in the Holy Ghost, the holy church,
the remission of sins, the resurrection of the flesh, the life everlasting”.
b) A Gallican Creed of the Sixth Century.
[Extracted from a sermon pseudo-Augustinus, 244 of Caesarius, Bishop of Arles, 503-543]
“I believe in God the Father Almighty; I also believe in Jesus Christ His only
Son, our Lord, conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered
under Pontius Pilate, crucified, dead and buried; He descended into hell, rose
again the third day, ascended into heaven, sat down at the right hand of the
Father, thence He is to come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the
Holy Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the remission
of sins, the resurrection of the flesh and life eternal”.
2. The Nicene Creed.
a) The Creed of Caesarea.
At the Council of Nicaea (325), Eusebius of Caesarea, the historian, suggested
the adoption of the creed of his own church. It ran thus:
“We believe in one God, the Father All-sovereign, the maker of all things visible
and invisible; And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God, God of God,
Light of Light, Life of Life, Son only-begotten, Firstborn of all creation,
begotten of the Father before all the ages, through whom also all things were
made; who was made flesh for our salvation and lived among men, and suffered,
and rose again on the third day, and ascended to the Father, and shall come again
in glory to judge the living and the dead; We believe also in one Holy Spirit”.
b) The Creed of Nicaea.
Eusebius' creed was orthodox, but it did not deal explicitly with the Arian
position. It was taken as a base, and put forward by the council in this revised
form (additions and alterations in italic type):
“We believe in one God the Father All-sovereign, maker of all things visible and
invisible; And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Father,
only-begotten, that is the substance1 of the Father, God of God, Light of Light,
true God of true God, begotten not made, of one substance2 with the Father,
through whom all things were made, things in heaven and things on the earth;
who for us men and for our salvation came down and was made flesh, and
became man3, suffered and rose on the third day, ascended into the heavens, is
coming to judge living and dead. And in the Holy Spirit.
And those that say "There was when He was not," and "Before He was
begotten He was not”, and that, "He came into being from what-is-not4", or those
that allege, that the son of God is "Of another substance or essence", or
"changeable5," or "alterable5", these the Catholic and Apostolic Church
1 ‘from the inmost being of the Father’, inseparably one.
2 sharing one being with the Father, and therefore distinct in existence though essentially one.
3 taking on himself all that makes man, expanding ‘was made flesh’.
4 ‘from nothingness’.
5 ‘i.e. morally changeable’.
c) The Nicene Creed.
Found in Epiphanius, Ancoratus, 118, c. A.D. 374, and extracted by scholars,
almost word for word, from the Catechetical Lectures of S. Cyril of Jerusalem;
read and approved at Chalcedon, 451, as the creed of (the 318 fathers who met
at Nicaea and that of) the 150 who met at a later time (i.e., at Constantinople,
381). Hence often called the Constantinopolitan or Nicaeno-Constantinopolitan
creed, and thought by many to be a revision of the creed of Jerusalem held by
Cyril. See for discussions, Hort, Two Dissertations (1876), Burn, Introduction to the Creeds
(1899), Bindley, Oecumenical Documents (1906), Badcock, History of the Creeds (1938).
Badcock puts forward a new theory.
“We believe in one God the Father All-sovereign, maker of heaven and earth,
and of all things visible and invisible; And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the onlybegotten
Son of God, Begotten of the Father before all the ages1, Light of Light,
true God of true God, begotten not made, of one substance with the Father,
through whom all things were made; who for us men and for our salvation came
down from the heavens, and was made flesh of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin
Mary, and became man, and was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and
suffered and was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the
Scriptures, and ascended into the heavens, and sitteth on the right hand of the
Father, and cometh again with glory to judge living and dead, of whose kingdom
there shall be no end; And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and the Life-giver, that
proceedeth from the Father, who with Father and Son is worshipped together and
glorified together, who spake through the prophets; In one holy Catholic and
Apostolic Church; We acknowledge one baptism unto remission of sins. We
look for a resurrection of the dead, and the life of the age to come”.
1 The additions, "God of God", (from the creed of Nicaea) and "from the Father and the Son"
occur first in the "Creed of Constantinople" as recited at the third Council of Toledo, 589. The
latter phrase, the 'filioque clause', had already been used at an earlier council of Toledo in 447; it
gained popularity in the West and was inserted in most versions of the creed, except that of the
Roman Church, where Pope Leo III in 809 refused to insert it.
The statement of faith below is compiled from the fundamental Christian creeds mentioned in this
We believe in One God our Father, All Sovereign Maker of heaven and Maker of earth, Maker of
things visible and invisible.
We believe in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son – our Lord.
The Word of God, begotten of the Father before all ages, light of lights, true God of true God,
begotten not made, of one substance with the Father, through whom all things were made. Who for
us human beings and for our salvation came down from the heavens and was made flesh by the
power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, and became man. He was despised by His
own people, was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, died and was buried, and rose again on the
third day, ascended into the heavens to sit on the right hand of the Father.
Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father and alone offers remission of sins and resurrection of
the flesh and life everlasting.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, life giver, that proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and
Son is worshipped together and glorified together. He is our councillor, comforter and friend.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church, the communion of the Saints, which is
made up of people from every tongue, tribe and nation that live by the truth of the Word of God,
and believe in Him. For there is one Lord, one Faith and one Baptism and that is into Jesus Christ.
We believe that Jesus Christ will return in glory to judge the living and the dead.
We believe that a home has been prepared for both those alive to Christ and those dead to Christ.
The people of the past, present and those still to come.
We believe that every individual whose faith is in Christ Jesus should have one common vision
acted out in various ways. The vision of the Great Commission.
We believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God. The Word of God is alive and active in
bringing healing and restoration between God and mankind. The Word of God will never
contradict itself whether in written form as in the Holy Bible or in spoken form, past, present or in
the future, and the restoration and building up of the Body of Christ until we all reach unity in the
faith and in the knowledge of the Son (Word) of GOD becoming mature as one body of the fullness
of Christ.
We believe that our Statement of Faith is the very truth of God the Father, and not the invention of
any man.
Teacher’s Note:
We suggest that the students study the following 7 religions/cults one by one, and after each one
you have a class discussion, to ensure that the error is made perfectly clear.
Lesson 2
A. Introduction
The founder of the Islamic religion is Ubu'l-Kassim. Ubu'l-Kassim was an orphan from the
age of approximately 6 years and raised by his uncle who earned his living trading with a
camel caravan to many destination. Young Ubu'l-Kassim spent much of his youth in the
fellowship of Jews and Christians. These encounters were later to influence his teachings. He
himself became a caravan driver and later married a wealthy widow. This gave him the
opportunity to spend much time meditating on spiritual things.
After spending six months in solitary meditation in a cave at the foot of Mt. Hira, near
Mecca, he started to receive mystic visions. He had suffered all his life from a physical
weakness, having fits and foaming at the mouth, falling down and rolling on the ground,
much the same way as the incident described in the Bible. He was not sure what this was, but
his wife felt it was a special spiritual anointing given to him and helped him with his visions.
Ubu'l-Kassim was born in Mecca in AD 570 and died in Medina AD 632. This same
Ubu'l-Kassim was later to be called Mohammed, the Prophet.
According to Islamic tradition, Ubu'l-Kassim, who was to become Mohammed, frequently
returned to this cave at Hira. It is said that on one such occasion, he was confronted by the
angel Gabriel. Gabriel grabbed him by the throat and choked him into submission telling him
he had to proclaim “the message” – and the message was: "Proclaim in the name of the
lord, the creator, who created man from a clot of blood".
During his frequent returns to this cave, the revelations increased. What he saw and heard
has now become Islam's sacred book, the Koran (or Qur'an, meaning recitation). Over a 22
year period, Mohammed memorised all 78 000 words of the Koran's 114 chapters and passed
on the teachings orally, as he was illiterate. His message, at the beginning, encountered stiff
resistance from the pagan population, as wealth and material gain were their gods.
Mohammed, whose name means "the praised one", preached that the wealthy should share
their wealth with the poor in exchange for the promise of a glorious after-life. Few converts
accepted the message. Also, his message denouncing idol-worship, threatened the livelihood
of Meccan businessmen, so Mohammed and his followers soon became outcasts who were
stoned and beaten. In AD 622 he received a vision warning him of mortal danger and he
escaped to the oasis Yathrib, 250 miles away. This event is recorded in their history as the
Hagira or the "migration, or flight", and marks the beginning of the Moslem (also Muslim)
era. The name Yathrib, was later changed to Madinat al-Nabi – today known as Medina.
Medina, which means “the city of the prophet”, is second only to Mecca as a Moslem
spiritual centre. Mohammed, finding himself outcast and without funds, sanctioned the
plundering of caravans and other travellers who had something “to offer”. His followers
mercilessly attacked innocent citizens. By now Mohammed was ruling as a king and a
prophet over his followers and the Islamic concept of the Jihad, or holy war, was propagated.
Those who were to die in these ventures in god's name were promised immediate transition
into paradise.
In AD 628 the rebel leader Mohammed led a force of ten thousand men towards Mecca and
in a bloodless coup gained control of the city. Ten years later all Arabia was under Muslim
control. Not long after his triumphal entry into Mecca, Mohammed died in AD 632.
One of his disciples, Abu'ul-Bakr was chosen as his successor and the Islamic empire was to
last in that form for a thousand years. During this time they prospered and the Arabs
developed the concept of Algebra as we know it today. Their skills in architecture were well
developed too. Many of the pointed arches that grace Europe's lofty cathedrals were designed
by these self same architects.
B. Symbols
The crescent moon and stars.
C. Articles of Faith
The Koran is considered to be more than just a holy Islamic book. Moslems believe that
every word was literally dictated by god and that its substance is eternal and uncreated. As a
result, the five pillars of faith, which we will list below, are binding rules of conduct.
1. God.
For the Moslem Allah is the only true God. There is no such blasphemous "thing" as
the Trinity. Jesus Christ is a prophet of Allah; He is not the Son of God or God
Himself. Allah, the Moslem god, is unapproachable by sinful man. He is so perfect and
holy he can only communicate to mankind through a progression of angels and
prophets. Allah, the Moslem god, is a god of judgement not grace, a god of wrath
rather than love. The Moslem must submit to Allah to a point where Allah is able to
hold back his judging arm.
2. Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ to the Moslem is just one of many prophets of Allah. Jesus Christ was
the prophet to His people in His day. Mohammed is “The Prophet” and supersedes
Him and is for the people today. Jesus did not atone for anyone's sins. Jesus Christ
did not die on the cross. Islamic teaching on this subject varies; some say that Judas
Iscariot was substituted for Jesus on the cross while others say that God miraculously
delivered Him from the hands of the Romans and Jews before He could be crucified.
Most Moslems believe that Jesus Christ was taken bodily into heaven without having
died to return again as previously stated.
3. Sin and Salvation.
Islam does not teach about sin and salvation but teaches the concept of works and fate.
Every Moslem hoping to escape judgement must satisfy Allah through the works of
the five pillars of faith.
4. The Five Pillars of Faith.
a) Reciting the Shahada.
Every day the Moslem must publicly affirm the monotheism of god, and
prophetic status of Mohammed. "There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is
his messenger".
b) Daily prayer towards Mecca.
Morning, noon, late afternoon and sunset and before bedtime. Prayers must be
said while kneeling with foreheads touching the ground.
c) Alms giving.
Charity was originally a voluntary aid to the poor and was considered to purify
one's remaining material possessions. Today this has become a Moslem tax.
d) Fasting during the month of Ramadan.
Between sunrise and sunset no eating or drinking is permitted. This is to
commemorate the month the angel Gabriel delivered the Koran to Mohammed.
e) The pilgrimage to Mecca.
Every Moslem must attempt to make this journey once in a lifetime. This is to
facilitate his salvation. Once there, he walks seven times around the Kabba (a
cubical building housing a black stone). If possible he must kiss the rock
contained inside the Kabba, which Moslems believe was carried to earth by
Interesting to note, the Kabba is said to have been originally built by Ishmael and
Abraham, on the spot where Adam uttered his first prayers to God.
During the trip to Mecca other holy sites in the area are visited and the goats,
sheep and camels are sacrificed. There is also a ritual of throwing stones at the
“sacred pillar” which is called "the stone of Satan" – re-enacting the stones that
Ishmael is said to have thrown at the devil when he attempted to dissuade
Abraham's son from submitting to his father's plans to offer him as a sacrifice.
The Koran says it was Ishmael, not Isaac, whom Abraham laid on the altar at Mt.
5. Further beliefs and practices.
 There is a rosary containing 99 beads to recount the unmentionable names of
Allah. The camel is the only creature on earth to know the 100th name.
 They hold mass type services for the dead.
 They forbid statues and music in mosques.
 They practice circumcision.
 Women have to veil their faces and drape their bodies in ankle length dresses.
 They permit polygamy – each man is allowed four wives as long as he treats
them equally.
 They insist on abstinence from alcohol, eating of pork and gambling.
 They meet for congregational worship at noon on Fridays and are committed to
building minarets (towers from which to broadcast the call to prayer).
 They believe that Christ did not die but was taken up to heaven and teach that
Jesus will return in the last days to convert the whole world to Islam and will
insist that "Law of Apostasy" converts of other faiths, especially Christians,
must be imprisoned or lose their jobs and possibly their lives.
 It should be noted that Islam is a complex faith, spanning many cultures and
countries and uses parts of both the Old and New Testaments of the Christian
Bible. The Bible is seen as corrupt and inferior to Mohammed's message. Many
of the old prophets are mentioned in the Koran, but none compares with the last
and greatest of all – Mohammed.
 Islam accepts the virgin birth of Christ and even the Scriptural account of His
miracles. However the Moslem's interpretation of how these events occurred is
not compatible with Biblical theology. They also say that the Christians’ faith in
Christ as God incarnate, is blasphemy, for whoever joins other gods with God
will be forbidden entry into the Garden.
D. Sects
Islam is a fragmented faith with numerous sects. The few most prevalent are:
1. The Wahhabi.
This group tends to be the most strict and puritanical. It was founded in the 18th
century and teaches strict adherence to the Koran.
2. The Shiites.
They believe that only descendants of Mohammed's family are the rightful heirs to
leadership. Since Mohammed bore no sons who survived him, his cousin and son-inlaw
Ari is considered to be the line of the prophets. Approximately 10% of all
Moslems belong to this sect of Islam.
The Shiites believe that an Imam who disappeared in AD 882 will return someday as a
Messiah. The Madhi (the guided one) will establish a kingdom on earth.
3. The Sunnites.
The majority of all Moslems consider themselves adherents of this orthodox sect.
E. The universal appeal of Islam
The simplicity of Islam's message is its chief attraction: one god, a rigidly defined method of
worship and a clearly explained destination of man's soul. Salvation by good deeds and
ardent devotion offer solace for those who conform to the outward display of piety without
having to experience a spiritual rebirth of their inner nature.
F. Mission Statement
Moslems have the sacred mission to bring the entire world under Allah's dominion – by force
or persuasion. All other religions are seen as Satanic. Allah alone is to be praised and
worshipped. Mohammed originally prayed facing Jerusalem and gave the Jews an
opportunity to submit to his spiritual authority. When they refused, he persecuted them
severely. Christians must also be opposed, violently if necessary. Although Islam teaches
that Allah is omniscient and merciful and compassionate, a Moslem is taught to hold him in
such awe that he is virtually unapproachable. Allah is to be feared and strictly obeyed. His
attributes cannot be personally experienced in a man's heart. Allah demands a system of total
submission, but he offers no immediate forgiveness of sin in return. A Moslem has no
security of salvation and must wait until the day of judgement, when works, not grace, will
determine his destination in the next life.
One-sixth of the world's population follows Islam. Its strongholds are considered to be the
Middle East, Indonesia and North Africa where more than 90% of the population is Moslem.
G. Conclusion
The Moslem's life, his faith and his culture are so deeply intertwined that for him to turn to
Christ is almost the same as committing suicide. When a Moslem decides to place his faith
in Christ he not only becomes a social outcast and loses his family, his culture, his stability
and his social life, but often his life will be in danger, especially if he used to belong to one
of the more orthodox sects of Islam.
It is interesting to note that God did promise to make Ishmael's offspring a great nation.
(Genesis 16:9-11; 17:20; 21:13,18; 25:12-18).
Sufism (a cult offshoot of Islam)
A. Introduction
This cult proposes to reach god not through the five pillars, but through entering into a trance
induced by dancing. Sufism's emphasis is on union with god through meditation and ritual
rather than Koranic obedience. They combine Islamic doctrines with Christian and Gnostic
beliefs. The main difference between Sufism and the traditional Islamic belief is that the
traditional Muslim is content with submitting to the will of Allah, but the Sufi wants an
immediate, ecstatic experience of oneness with God. The means to accomplish this is a ritual
of twirling and dancing. From this ritual came the well-known phrase "whirling dervishes"
(whirling beggars). They turn and twirl for an hour or more at a time without any sign of
fatigue, repeating the name of Allah like a mantra in a prayer to the accompaniment of a
musical beat. Eventually they enter into an unconscious trance state and fall on the floor –
which is supposed to represent an awakening from indifference.
This cult was established by a man called Rumi in 1273 AD.
B. Articles of Faith
They use as a basis the Islamic scriptures, as well as Gnostic texts.
The basic principle of Sufism is "God is love, lover and beloved". They claim harmony with
all the world's religions and peoples, and this is apparently accomplished by contemplating
the immanence of God. Sufism virtually ignores sin and redemption. It has a lack of fixed
doctrinal structures, and is built upon subjective, mystical interpretations of truth. Their
spiritual hierarchy called "Awliya" could be likened to familiar spirits (demons) with "Qutd"
as a personification of Lucifer. Dervish trance states exhibit the characteristics of biblically
defined demonic possession.
C. Symbols
The Samazen (pupil) closing with a circular skirt, preparing for dancing and meditation.
Black Muslims (sect of Islam)
A. Introduction
This is another "home grown religion" which emanated from America.
In 1913, a North Carolina black man named Timothy Drew arrived in Newark, New Jersey,
under the name of Noble Drew Ali. He founded the Moorish-American Science Temples on
the doctrine that Negroes were of Moroccan (Moorish) origin, and that Jesus was a black
man killed by white Romans. Many of his teachings were taken from the Aquarian Gospel,
an occult book written by Levi Dowling.
When Ali died, Wallace Ford, a salesman from Detroit, appeared on the scene claiming to be
Ali's reincarnation. He claimed that he was born in Mecca and had been sent to America to
redeem the black man from the Caucasian devil. One of Ford's spokesmen, Elijah
Mohammed (formerly Robert Pool) helped him to found the “nation of Islam”. Elijah
Mohammed insisted that Ford was an incarnation of Allah himself. In 1935 Ford disappeared
from sight and Elijah Mohammed assumed leadership of the organisation.
Elijah Mohammed was jailed during World War II as a conscientious objector and styled
himself the messenger of Allah and effectively recruited black prisoners for his cause. His
message to them was that Wallace Ford was the God and Messiah predicted by Christians
and the Mahdi proclaimed by Moslems. The white beast, created by mad black scientists had
been allowed to reign for 6 000 years and that period ended in 1914, and the time was ripe
for the “nation of Islam” and the divine black god-men guided by Allah, to arise and take
control of the world.
A new figure came on the scene by the name of Malcom X. He became the mouth-piece of
Elijah Mohammed and was an eloquent evangelist until he was murdered by one of
Mohammed's rivals on February 1, 1965. During the 1960's, membership blossomed in the
turbulent racially tense America, and dozens of temples were opened in ghettos and
neighbourhoods. They then moved into the churches of former white congregations who had
fled the inner cities for the suburbs. They prospered, bought farms, started self-help schemes,
opened businesses and projects. They are disciplined, preach on cleanliness and morality and
align themselves with Islamic teachings in the main. They differ, however, on racial issues
and preach a racial intolerance.
The Koran is accepted to be the holy scripture of god's prophet, although they also entertain
fanciful speculation that the black man originated on the moon 65 trillion years ago. Critics
of Black Muslims have labelled their theology as racial hatred, but Black Muslims prefer to
call it "social separation". Heaven and hell play no part in their theology, as they believe the
black man went through his hell during the time of slavery and therefore is now called to
Upon the death of Elijah Mohammed in 1965, his son Wallace took over the movement. His
leadership lacked some of the strength of his father. His most important change was to drop
the racial or social separation teachings, which alienated them from so many people. With
this new image, Black Muslims have gained official recognition as an orthodox Islamic body
under the name “Community of Islam in the West”. Followers of this movement are now
referred to as Bilalians. Bilal was supposedly the first black convert of the prophet
B. Mission Statement
Universal appeal to black youth who feel exploited by the predominantly white society and
are promised a vision of a black ruled nation. A call to nationalistic supremacy and the
promoting of self respect based on a strict moral code.
Since God is black and the black man is a god, recognising these facts "will help blacks to
shed the white man's religion (i.e. Christianity)". Black Muslims promote a self-sufficient
black economy and demand to have seven or eight states ceded to them in order to establish
a black nation. Their Black Muslim god is Wallace Ford, believed to be Allah incarnate – the
Saviour of mankind.
1. USE THE WORD OF GOD. Muslims respect the sacred books: the law of Moses, Psalms,
The Gospels and Koran (Quran). Let the Word of God speak for itself. The Gospels are the
best portions to start with, particularly Matthew and Luke.
2. BE CONSTANT IN PRAYER. It is the Holy Spirit who wins men to Christ. Seek His
guidance and power as you present the Word.
3. BE A GENUINE FRIEND. Saying “Hello” is not enough. If you really care, show it by
inviting them into your home, sharing your time, and helping with their problems.
4. ASK THOUGHT PROVOKING QUESTIONS. “Do you expect to go to heaven?” “Do you
have the assurance that God will accept you?” “What does the Koran teach about
forgiveness?” “May I show you what the Bible teaches?” Questions like these show that you
have an interest in the important things in life.
5. LISTEN ATTENTIVELY. When you ask a question, courtesy requires that you listen to the
answer no matter how long it takes. You will be surprised at how much you learn.
6. PRESENT YOUR BELIEFS OPENLY. State what you believe, clearly and without
apology, showing Scripture passages that support those teachings. Thus, you place the
responsibility for doctrine where it belongs – on the Word of God.
7. REASON - DON’T ARGUE. Argument may win a point but lose a hearing. There are some
points on which you can argue forever without achieving a thing, except closing a mind
against you.
8. NEVER DENIGRATE MUHAMMAD OR THE KORAN. This is as offensive to them as
speaking disrespectfully about Christ or the Bible is to us.
9. RESPECT THEIR CUSTOMS AND SENSITIVITIES. Do not offend by putting your
Bible (a holy book) on the floor, or appearing too free with the opposite sex, or refusing
hospitality, or making jokes about sacred topics such as fasting, prayer, or God.
10. PERSEVERE. Muslims have a lot of re-thinking to do when they are confronted with the
Gospel. But rest assured that the Word of God will do its work, in His good time.
Lesson 3
A. Introduction
Hinduism is perhaps the oldest of all false religions and probably the most difficult to
understand. There is no order of function and therefore you cannot approach the subject as
one building a house; first foundations, then walls, then separate rooms linked by doorways
or passages of truth. Hinduism at first glance appears to be more like a dense, impenetrable,
tropical forest rather than a house, with no formal structure or system at all. The very essence
of Hindu faith is to be found in the text contained in the "Vedas" the most sacred of all
Hindu texts: "Truth is one. They call him by different names".
Many religious systems (not Christianity) promote an inclusive viewpoint, but ultimately
require adherence to specific beliefs, which set them apart from others. Not so Hinduism,
which is an all-encompassing faith and strives to adopt any and all other doctrines of faith
into its own interpretation and frame of reference.
In the words of Radna Krishna "While fixed intellectual beliefs mark off one religion
from another, Hinduism sets itself no such limits".
Mahatma Gandhi "A man may not believe in God, and still call himself
a Hindu".
B. Origin
To try and grasp the origin of this religion, it is important to look at Indian history.
THE FIRST PERIOD was called "Pre-Vedic" and dates back 3000 years. These settlers on
the Indian peninsula were Animistic. Local deities were worshipped in a manner resembling
THE SECOND PERIOD came with the Aryan Conquerors. They brought their own gods –
such as "Soma" – a deity of the hallucinogenic soma plant.
The "Vedas" (wise sayings) dominated the religious philosophy of this second period. These
sayings were passed on orally and collected in written form about 1000 BC, known as the
"Rig Veda". During that period the polytheistic nature of Hinduism developed (33 million
That time also saw the development of the caste system:
Brahmins were priests and scholars
Kshatriyas were rulers and soldiers
Vaishyas were merchants and farmers
Sudras were peasants and servants
The Untouchables were added later. This group was made up of about 3 000 sub castes.
In later years the caste system became the justification for the doctrine of KARMA (deeds
determining destiny). Therefore, your destiny and fate was sealed at birth, being determined
by your previous life.
THE THIRD PERIOD called the "Upanishadic period" started about 600 BC. Until that
period there was positive hope for the devotee, as provision was made for exorcism and spell
casting, etc. The Vedic gods were finite super-humans, who lived a life of licentiousness and
The Upanishads developed this grass-roots religion of the masses into a MONISTIC (matter
and mind are one) philosophic faith. Life was seen as an endless cycle of the soul’s
transmigration. Escaping the law of Karma and achieving liberation from the wheel of life
would occur only when the "ATMAN" (soul of the individual) would be identified with and
absorbed into the Universal Soul (BRAHMAN). This religious world-view known as
BRAHMANISM was the beginning of modern Hinduism as it is known today.
THE FOURTH PERIOD began and developed after the Christian era began. Vedantic
Literature became the dominant “scripture”. Philosopher SHAWKARA expounded the
Theory of MAYA (all matter and reality is illusory). Self-renunciation and moral duty
became a pathway to freedom from self and inclusion into the impersonal One (=Nirvana –
a heavenly state).
C. Articles of Faith
There are none as this faith is all encompassing, although all Hindus share the same basic
foundation of beliefs.
Certain sects may emphasise one school of literature over another, for there are many, but
the Vedas and Upanishads and Smriti are common to all.
Hinduism’s two basic theological premises are rooted in PANTHEISM (the belief that God
is at one with and pervasive in all created matter) and MONISM (the idea that all is one, the
universe exists as a unitary principle).
The divisions of Hinduism are devotional and not theological, although the choice of your
favourite deity tends to give direction to your school of thought.
In Hindu thought:
1. BRAHMA is the creator. (Brahma is the masculine form of Braman, which is
2. VISHNU is the preserver.
3. SHIVA (or Siva) is the destroyer.
These three comprise the Hindu trinity. Vishnu and Shiva being the most popular.
At the centre of Hinduism is a monotheistic riddle which views reality as being of one
essence (indispensable quality or element), but also insists that it has many forms or
expressions (polytheism). The human soul (Atman) is divine and yearns for union with
Brahma. This Brahma-Atman unity produces an illuminating, mystical experience. In this
state self is dissolved and disappears into the oneness of God. Therefore, since man is
ultimately god and sin is merely an illusion, moral guilt and final judgement for one's
conduct are debatable concepts of little importance.
Four Ways to Salvation
The philosophy of Yoga (union with god) has four main streams or paths to follow for
1. BHAKTI YOGA the way of devotion.
2. KARMA YOGA the way of service.
3. JWANA YOGA the way of knowledge.
4. RAJA YOGA the way of contemplation.
The choice of which to follow is each person’s own preference.
Further beliefs and practices
1. A Hindu sees his physical nature as the reason for his soul's bondage; he looks to reincarnation
as his hope. (This is the opposite to resurrection.)
2. The consciousness of a Hindu is irrelevant as he may come back as an animal or even
a plant. (Opposite to Bible teaching – we never lose our identity.)
3. A Hindu sees a soul as part of a whole. (Opposite to Genesis’ teaching, where each
person is an individual and a divine act of creation.)
4. Incarnation – Because of pressure from Christianity (God's love for man through
Jesus Christ) a new doctrine was formulated whereby the impersonal, unknowable
god of Hinduism would manifest himself amongst his people once in each age when
they were desperately in need.
This God-man is called an AVATAR. This is not a once-off experience like Jesus was
as a Saviour, but a recurring experience to constantly show men the way to God. The
Avatar is a human object of veneration and worship, i.e. Krishna, Rama, etc.
Other Offices, or Priesthood
Swamis celibate monks, ascetics.
Sadhus less educated holy men.
Guru religious teacher who has mastered Yoga.
Satguru perfect master able to give instantaneous enlightenment.
D. In Conclusion
The Hindu strives to attain purity by becoming a god, part of which requires that he worship
man and animals.
In the BHAGAVAD-GITA, chapter 10, KRISHNA declares, "I am the Prince of Demons".
Even today certain groups regularly sacrifice animals and humans, as they seek to satisfy
their gods and come to this ecstatic state of purity and illumination, finally becoming god as
self is dissolved and they are absorbed into the oneness of god.
Spiritism(Sometimes misnamed spiritualism)
Lesson 4
The basic principle of spiritism is the foretelling of future events or the disclosure of hidden
knowledge through pretended communication with the spirits of the dead.
Persons who claim to have this power of communication with the "dead" are commonly know
today as mediums. (King James Version designates such persons as having "familiar spirits".)
It is an ancient form of deception and one of the oldest of religious cults. The Word of God
strictly forbids spiritism. See Lev.19:31, 20:6,27, Deut.18:11, Isa.8:19-20. "Anyone who does
these things is an object of horror and disgust to the Lord". (Deut.18:9-12).
There is as yet no scientific proof for any communication with the dead (necromancy) in spite of
the most determined efforts by its adherents. We believe that it is inconceivable that the dead can
be disturbed by the incantations of men and women ... or the inhabitants of the realms of the dead
(both in hades and heaven) would be subject to the price of mediums whose practices God
thoroughly condemns. Demon spirits take the shape and form of the deceased, or merely
imitate the voice and give a message.
Many mediums have been exposed as frauds, but much spiritistic activity is very real – an
indication of demonic power whose source is the prince of darkness himself. Even adherents admit
that Spiritism is beset with the gravest dangers, often resulting in moral degradation, madness and
even death.
Spiritists repeatedly attempt to prove that the Bible endorses Spiritism and claim that many
Biblical characters, including the apostles and the Lord Jesus Christ, were mediums and
encouraged such practices. "For those who believe, spiritualism leads to God" (Dr. Marcus Bach).
Gal.5:16-21 warns against "Spiritism (that is, encouraging the activity of demons).." (Living
Bible). In the light of Old Testament and New Testament scriptures it is very clear that a Christian
who attends Spiritist meetings does so in direct disobedience to God's command.
Definition of Spiritism – National Spiritualist Association:
"A Spiritualist is one who believes, as the basis of his or her religion, in the communication
between this and the spirit world by means of mediumship, and who endeavours to mould his or
her character and conduct in accordance with the highest teachings derived from such
Its seven principles are:
1. The Fatherhood of God.
2. The Brotherhood of Man.
3. Continuous Existence.
4. Communion of spirits and Ministry of Angels.
5. Personal responsibility.
6. Compensation of retribution hereafter for good or evil done on earth.
7. A path of endless progression.
They also believe in prophecy, clairvoyance (power of discerning objects not present to the senses),
gift of tongues, laying on of hands, healing, visions, trance revelations, automatic writing and
materialisation (ability of spirits to assume visible or concrete form).
"Spiritualism is the greatest revelation the world has ever known" (Conan Doyle).
"Spiritualism is an outpouring of the spirit upon humanity, a divine revelation from the spheres of
light. It is the highest message of truth which we have ... the great redeemer, the emancipator which
releases human souls from the bondage of superstition and ignorance.." (Spiritualist Manual
Revision of 1940)
A. A brief look at its history
1. Spiritism in the Old Testament.
It is a cult of antiquity. Note, for example the following scriptures:
- Ancient Egyptians practised magic, sorcery and necromancy and used these
powers to duplicate some of Moses' miracles – Exod.7:11, 8:18, etc.
- Death penalty for sorcerers – Exod.22:18, Lev.20:27.
- Called those consorting with "familiar spirits" and "wizards" cursed by God –
Lev.19:31, 20:6 (i.e. "familiar spirits" – demons; "wizards" – mediums).
- Daniel came into contact with them – Dan.1:20, 2:2, 2:27, 4:7, 5:7.
- Isa.8:19, 19:3, 47:9 speak of ancient spiritists who cast sorcery upon Israel.
- King Saul, before his apostasy, upon God's command drove them out of Israel –
1 Sam.28:3,9 – and later died because of his decision to consult with the witch
of Endor (1 Chron.10:13-14).
- King Josiah expelled them as well – 2 Kings 23:24.
- Manasseh's downfall was a result of it – 2 Kings 21:6, 2 Chron.33:6.
- Egyptians, Babylonians, Chaldeans and Canaanites all practised spiritism. God
told the Israelites: "The nations you replace all do these EVIL things, but the
(Deut.18:9-12) (Living Bible).
See also Lev.19:26; Isa.2:6, 47:12-14; Jer.27:9-10; Zech.10:2; Mal.3:5.
2. Spiritism in the New Testament.
- Gal.5:20 – condemns witchcraft as “acts of the sinful nature”.
- Rev.9:21 – condemnation for those who do not repent of their sorcery.
- Rev.21:8 – “those who practise magic arts…their place will be in the fiery lake
of burning sulphur”.
- 1 Tim.4:1-2 – In the last days many shall abandon the faith "giving heed to
seducing spirits and doctrines of demons".
- Acts 13 – Paul and Elymas the sorcerer (v. 6-11) "You son of the devil ... will
you never end your opposition to the Lord?"
- See also Acts 8:9ff, Acts 16:16ff, Acts 19:19, Rev.22:15, Gal.5:20.
- Whenever Jesus dealt with evil spirits in the Gospels, He cast them out and
bound their power. There is no demonic force that can withstand the power and
presence of the Holy Spirit.
3. Spiritism in modern days.
It is a very old delusion, but its modern revival began with the Fox Sisters on the 31st
March 1848, when their family moved to Hydesville, New York. Margaret and Kate
Fox, the two youngest daughters of the family of six children, developed into mediums
and claimed to have worked out a code of communication with the author of the
strange rappings heard in the house. These are known as the "Rochester Rappings" and
the cottage today is a shrine of this movement. Much publicity was given to these
"rappings" and the movement developed and spread far and wide. It is interesting to
note that the majority of mediums today are women.
Spiritism has a strong appeal to those who have lost somebody through death, because
of its offer to make contact with the lost one from beyond the grave.
B. What do they believe about ... ?
1. God.
"God" is "infinite intelligence" – i.e. a "supreme IMPERSONAL power". "Infinite
intelligence pervades and controls the universe, and is without shape or form, it is
impersonal, omnipresent and omnipotent".
2. The Trinity.
Absolutely denied.
The first thing, which the Christian has to face, is that the doctrine of the Trinity seems
to have no adherents in circles of the spiritists’ world. The divinity of Christ as a coequal
partner with the Father is universally denied. The Christian doctrine of the
remission of sins to the penitent, through the virtue of Christ's sacrifice and atonement,
is vigorously denied. Their hymnal is changed accordingly and all reference to the
Trinity removed.
3. The Person of Jesus Christ.
"It is an absurd idea that Jesus was any more divine than any other man" (Dr Weisse, a
noted spiritist).
"All testimony from advanced spirits only shows that Christ was a medium or reformer
in Judea; that he is now an advanced spirit in the sixth sphere; but that he never
claimed to be God and does not at present" (Weisse).
"Tom Paine is in the seventh sphere, one above our Lord, though he was so many
centuries behind him in entering into the spirit life" (Weisse).
"The miraculous conception of Christ is merely a fabulous tale" (Haweis).
In all their services His Name is carefully omitted in their prayers and the motto of
every man is: “Every man, his own priest and his own saviour”. Sir Conan Doyle
declared that our Lord was a superior sort of medium – and he only regrets "that he
often lost his tongue" (!).
Spiritists completely deny the very existence of miracles.
"Miracle, means something done in defiance of natural law, therefore there are no
miracles. The demonstrations you speak of can be manifested today by our Sensitives
(often called mediums) by the application of perfectly natural forces, when necessary
conditions for such manifestations are provided".
4. The work of Jesus Christ (The Atonement).
Totally denied.
"The whole doctrine of original sin, the fall, the vicarious atonement, the placation of
the Almighty by blood – all this is abhorrent to me. The spirit-guides do not insist
upon these aspects of religion" (Sir A. Conan Doyle).
"Vicarious atonement has no place in the philosophy of spiritualism – sooner or later
everyone shall be in perfect bliss through his own efforts".
"Advanced spirits do not teach the atonement of Christ ... nothing of the kind"
"Your doctrine of atonement is the very climax of a deranged imagination and one that
is of the unrighteous and immoral tendency" (Hall).
"We regret and condemn the practice of spiritualists sending their children to be
instructed at the various religious denominations in the teaching of a vicarious
atonement, or salvation by faith and not of works" (Spiritists’ Convention, UK).
5. Resurrection of Christ and Second Coming.
Absolutely denied, as is also the resurrection of the believer.
6. Salvation/Sin & Judgement/Heaven and Hell.
Denial of the resurrection, judgement to come and man's eternal destiny.
"The doorway to reformation is never closed" – even in the life to come.
"Even the most degraded personality can in time attain to the greatest heights ... each
must work out his own salvation ... it is easier, however, to begin progress in earth
"Future bliss" is not by faith in "notions of atonement and vicarious sacrifice" but by
"merit that man lays up for himself by slow and laborious process".
Sin and judgement
"Every soul will progress through the ages to heights, sublime and glorious, where
God is love and love is God".
"The wicked must compensate for their evil deeds, here and hereafter, and attain a stay
of justice before they are prepared to enter upon the path which leads to spiritual
happiness and progression".
Heaven and hell
"We do not believe in such places as purgatory and hell. Communicating spirits have
merely graduated from this form of life into another. That life can be heaven or helllike,
just as each spirit chooses to make it; the same applies to our life here".
"We do not believe in 'demons', imaginary beings whose existence cannot be proven ...
We believe in intelligent and ignorant spirits. No being is naturally 'evil' or 'bad' – evil
always originates in ignorance".
Spiritists believe in different spheres, not in heaven or hell.
7. Man.
"The spark of divinity dwells in all" – and all are the children of God.
"The fall of man is a legend and misleading".
"Man is a spiritual being, elevated from the lower forms of life, up through the period
of consciousness (i.e. life on earth), to the state of higher moral and spiritual faculties
which survive, unaffected, the decomposition of the physical body".
"Every human soul born into life is a child of God".
"Spiritualism proclaims ‘the doorway to reformation is never closed against any soul
here or hereafter’".
8. The Holy Spirit.
Personality and Deity denied. See their doctrine of "God".
9. The Bible.
They do not accept the Bible as the one and only God-given revelation. Spiritism
"accepts truth wherever it is found".
Their Bible interpretation is highly fantastic – for example, the transfiguration and
appearances of the risen Christ are viewed as "materialisations". They insist that Peter
in Acts 5:1 PSYCHICALLY proves Ananias guilty of cheating.
C. Conclusion
· Spiritism involves a denial of all major Christian doctrines (e.g. the personality of
God, the atonement of Christ, the authority of the scriptures, etc.)
· It produces supernatural manifestations that the Bible describes as originating in
demonic forces.
· It is practised, therefore, by persons who wilfully ignore God and the Bible and His
declared means of making men holy – i.e. the sending of His Son into the world that
the world through Him might be saved. (John 3:16,36).
· It is imperative for the child of God to abstain from any contact with spiritists and their
religion, save only to present to them the claims of the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ.
· Luke 16: Jesus' story of the rich man and Lazarus tells us emphatically that there is no
communication between the spirits of the departed and those who are alive. ("It is
appointed unto man once to die, but after this the judgement" – Heb.9:27).
"User of magic arts, wizard, enchanter" (Concise Oxford Dictionary).
"Person who practises magic with the aid of evil spirits; magician; witch".
Sorcery: "Magic performed with the aid of evil spirits, witchcraft" (Thorndike English
Jehovah's Witnesses [Watchtower Bible and Tract Society]
Lesson 5
Also known as: Millennial Dawn International Bible Student Association
A. History
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society came into existence in the year 1884 in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania. Charles Taze Russell was both the founder and first president of the society
and was the man that brought into existence the organisation that is now known as Jehovah's
Russell was born in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, in 1852 and grew up as a strict
Congregationalist. Early in his religious experience he revolted violently against the concept
of hell and eternal punishment for the unsaved. This started him on a path which culminated
in Russell's denial of practically every major Christian doctrine of faith: from the Trinity, the
Deity of Christ, the bodily resurrection from the grave, right through to the visible second
advent of our Lord. Russell was a controversial figure for many years and was also a prolific
writer who put out the series of six volumes entitled "Studies in the Scriptures" as they are
known today. Originally they were entitled "Millennial Dawn". Pastor Russell, as he was
now called, was a man of great energy and devoted his life to his newfound faith.
On October 31, 1916, aboard a transcontinental train near Pampa, Texas, the first president
of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Pastor Taze Russell, passed away. He was
wrapped, according to his last wishes, in a bed sheet resembling a Roman toga.
It is interesting to note that modern day Jehovah's Witnesses try desperately to distance
themselves from their roots, denying that they are still following Pastor Russell's theology.
However, at his death, there was a scramble for the vacant position, which resulted in the
election of Judge J.F. Rutherford as successor of Russell. It was Rutherford who, with his
marvellous business acumen, tremendous vitality and insatiable drive for accomplishment,
made this little-known religion into a multi-million dollar religion. It was during the time of
Joseph Franklin Rutherford that the Watchtower and Bible Tract Society was first called
Jehovah's Witnesses.
B. Origin of their beliefs
The theology of the Jehovah’s Witnesses is eclectic by nature, that is, it is by no means
original. Their basic theology is borrowed, and they are in fact modern followers of the great
Arian heresy promulgated in the third century of the Christian church. Pastor Russell got his
doctrine from Arius of Alexandria, a learned presbyter who denied categorically the deity of
Jesus Christ. Therefore to understand their theology, we must look back.
The Arians of the 4th Century.
At that time in the Christian Church's history, its two greatest opponents were the Romans
and the Arians, who came against the Christians both politically and doctrinally. The Arian
heresy challenged the cornerstone of all Christendom and the authority of the Bible itself, by
denying with boldness the true deity of Jesus Christ. They said that Christ was higher than
man, but inferior to God, and not eternal.
The origin of the controversy between those orthodox Christians who believed Jesus Christ
to be truly God and truly man, and those called "Arians" began in the year 319 AD with
Arius of Alexandria, a learned teacher and presbyter of the Alexandrian Church in Egypt.
Arius of Alexandria actually learned his theology from Lucian of Antioch, a leader of the
Syrian church, whose scholar he was for a while. This Greek-thinking mystic trained a whole
group of potential enemies to orthodox Christianity and schooled them in the cleverness of
"dialectical theology". The rationalistic theology of Greece had begun to infiltrate itself into
the Christian doctrine, forever seeking a reasonable explanation to revelations and mysteries
that were never intended to be fully understood outside of the mind of God. (Colossians 2:2-
3.) They based their teaching on the concept that "once the son of God was not" thereby
challenging the eternal deity of Christ. Lucian was martyred by zealous orthodox disciples.
Arius of Alexandria took up where he left off.
The Arian heresy can be summed up in this short proposition:
1. If God the Father gave birth to the son, then Jesus Christ, who was born, has an origin
of existence.
2. Therefore, once the Son was not.
3. And therefore, He was created.
Arius, like those before him, arrived at this seemingly reasonable theory because, not fully
comprehending Scripture, he sought to supply an answer for a question the Bible never
completely answered: namely, how Christ is both God and man, never ceasing to be either
yet true to each nature.
Anthanasius, the greatest adversary of Arianism, said that there was unity between the
divinity of the Father and the divinity of Christ. This wrestling over doctrines went through
the whole church. Constantine tried to solve the dispute and at last called for a meeting of
bishops in Nicea in AD325. Anthanasius, still a deacon, was permitted to speak but not to
vote. He managed to convince most of the council of the truth of his doctrines and was
shortly thereafter elected as Bishop of Alexandria at only 33 years of age. He lived in peace
until his death in AD373 and his views became the general doctrine of the Christian Church.
The first ecumenical council, the Council of Nicea (325 AD) and the ecumenical Council
of Constantinople (381 AD) established the divinity of Christ and of the Holy Spirit. These
two ecumenical councils have been traditionally linked together by the Nicene Creed.
The purpose of the Nicene Creed was to refute the Arian claim that the Son was the
highest creation of God and thus essentially different from the Father. [A creed (from
the Latin "credo" – "I believe") is an authoritative statement of the main articles of the
Christian faith to which believers are expected to assent]. Therefore, the Nicene Creed
affirms the unity of God, insists that Christ was begotten from the Father from before all
time and declares that Christ is of the same essence as the Father. Thus the Son is God in
every respect. The Creed also upholds the divinity of the Holy Spirit.
The Jehovah's Witnesses are a modern counterpart of the Arians of the 4th Century and have
adopted almost verbatim the Christological formula (the doctrine of Christ, His person and
nature) that Arius made popular.
C. Comparing their doctrines to what the Bible says
Here we shall look at what they say regarding: the Trinity, the Deity of Christ, the
Resurrection of Christ, the Return of Christ and the existence of Hell and Eternal
The doctrine of the Jehovah’s Witnesses: What the Bible says:
The Trinity
(Speaking of John 1:1-3)
a) “Does this mean that Jehovah God (Elohim) and John 1:1; 14:16,26
the Son are two persons but at the same time Genesis 1:26; 11:7
one God and members of a so-called “trinity” or Isaiah 9:6
"triune god"? When religion so teaches it violates Matthew 28:19
the Word of God, wrests the Scriptures to the
destruction of those who are misled, and insults
God-given intelligence and reason”.
(The Truth Shall Make You Free, p45)
b) “Only the religious "Trinitarians" are presumptuous
enough to claim, without Scriptural basis, that
two other persons are equal with Jehovah God; but
Jesus does not Himself claim to be one of such
persons”. (The Kingdom Is at Hand, p507)
c) “The Trinity doctrine was not conceived by Jews or
the early Christians”. (Let God Be True, p92)
d) “The obvious conclusion, therefore, is that Satan
is the originator of the Trinity doctrine”.
(Let God Be True, p82)
The Deity of Christ
a) “The true Scriptures speak of God's Son, the Word, John 1:1, 14, 18
as "a god". He is a "mighty God", but not "the John 5:18; 8:58
Almighty God", who is Jehovah”. John 20:28; 17:1-5
(The Truth Shall Make You Free, p47)
b) “At the time of his beginning of life he was created Phil.2:8 - 11
by the everlasting God, Jehovah, without the aid or Col.1:16-17; 2:9
instrumentality of any mother. In other words, he Heb.1:1-4
was the first and direct creation of Jehovah God... Titus 2:13
He was the start of God's creative work. He was not Rev.1:8, 12-18
an incarnation in flesh but was flesh, a human Son of
God, a perfect man, no longer a spirit, although having
a spiritual or heavenly post and background”.
(The Kingdom Is at Hand, pp. 46, 47, 49)
c) “This One was not Jehovah God, but was existing in the
form of God ... he was a spirit person ... he was a
mighty one although not Almighty as Jehovah God is;
he was a god, but not the Almighty God who is
Jehovah”. (Let God Be True, p34, 35)
d) “Being the only begotten Son of God .. the Word would
be a prince among all other creatures. In this office
he [Christ] bore another name in heaven, which name is
"Michael"... Other names were given to the Son in the
course of time”. (The Truth Shall Make You Free, p49)
The Resurrection of Christ (physical)
a) “In his resurrection he was no more human. He was John 2:17-19
raised as a spirit creature”. John 20:27-28
(The Kingdom Is at Hand, p258)
b) “Jehovah God raised him from the dead, not as a human Luke 24:39-44
son, but as a mighty immortal spirit son... So the King Mark 16:14
Christ Jesus was put to death in the flesh and was 1 Cor.15:15
resurrected an invisible spirit creature”.
(Let God Be True, pp. 43, 122)
c) “Therefore the bodies in which Jesus manifested himself
to his disciples after his return to life were not the
bodies in which he was nailed to the tree. They were
merely materialised for the occasion, resembling on
one or two occasions the body in which he died...”
(The Kingdom Is at Hand, p259)
d) “The Firstborn one from the dead was not raised out of
the grave a human creature, but he was raised a spirit”.
(Let God Be True, p272)
The return of Christ (visible)
a) “Christ Jesus comes, not as a human but as a glorious Matt.24:30
spirit”. (Let God Be True, p185) Rev.1:7
1 Thess.4:16-17
b) “Since no earthly men have ever seen the Father...
neither will they see the glorified Son...”
(Let God Be True, p186)
c) “It is a settled Scriptural truth, therefore, that human
eyes will not see him at his second coming, neither
will he come in a fleshly body”.
“Christ Jesus came to the Kingdom in AD 1914, but
unseen to men”. (The Truth Shall Make You Free,
pp. 295, 300)
The existence of Hell and Eternal Punishment
a) “The Bible hell is the tomb, the grave ...” Matt.5:22; 8:11-12
(Let God Be True, p72) Matt.13:42-50
b) “God-dishonouring doctrine...” Matt.25:41,46
(Let God Be True, p79) 2 Peter 2:17
c) “The doctrine of a burning hell where the wicked are Jude 13
tortured eternally after death cannot be true...”
(Let God Be True, p80)
D. Summary
Whilst the Jehovah's Witnesses are zealous in their witness of what they believe, it is clear
that what they believe is quite different to what Christians believe.
Their terminology is the same: they use words such as "born again", declare that they believe
that Jesus is God, but as we have seen they do not mean what we mean when we use those
Jesus clearly stated that He was the way, the truth and the life and that no man could come to
the Father but through Him. If Jesus was not God, then He was not a perfect sacrifice, if He
was not the perfect sacrifice, then He was unable to take our sin and therefore we would not
be able to state that by God's grace we have been forgiven or redeemed. That is why no
Jehovah's Witness will be able to tell you that he is sure of his salvation, and that is why they
work so hard, for they have to (by the effort of their own flesh and their own goodness) work
their way into the favour and acceptance of the God which they serve.
We must never forget in our zeal to "contend for the faith", that Jehovah’s Witnesses are
souls for whom Christ died. Whilst we must refute their anti-Christian teachings, we should
neither run from them, nor scorn them, but rather show them the redemptive love of Christ,
so that His grace may reach them also through repentance.
Lesson 6
A. Introduction
Mormonism falls into the category of new religions and had its source and origin in America.
Charles W. Ferguson (in his book, The Confusion of Tongues, p366) says its "Bible" came
into being at Palmyra, New York. It proclaimed Zion to be first in Illinois and later in Utah.
Its sacred history deals with North and South America, with landmarks familiar to us all and
not with events in far off Judea. Its "Exodus" took place across the plains of our continent, its
"Red Sea" was the Mississippi and when the last trumpet sounds, Jesus is coming to
American soil – the headquarters in Salt Lake City.
Joseph Smith claimed to be a prophet and had the revelations on which Mormonism is
based. He was born in Sharon, Vermont, on the 23rd December 1805 and was martyred at
Carthage in Illinois on the 27th June 1844. His statue, standing in Sharon, gives testimony to
Joseph Smith's father also claimed to be a prophet, whilst his mother, Lucy Smith, was
known as versed in the occult (she would be called "psychic" today).
In the year 1820, Joseph Smith had his first vision. Three years passed and Joseph Smith had
a dream that led him to start the new religion called Mormonism.
Joseph claims that not far from Palmyra, a resurrected saint called the angel Moroni (who
had apparently died in about AD 400) had appeared to him. This angel Moroni gave Joseph
Smith an important message. Apparently Moroni had been the son of Mormon and the last of
the Nephites,which were a group who had been destroyed by their rivals, the Lamanites. This
whole story was recorded on certain golden tablets that Moroni had hidden under the hill
Cumorah, until the appointed time for their disclosure to the prophet of the latter day church.
Joseph greatly desired these valuable plates and wanted to look for them immediately, but he
was rebuked by the angel and told that he could not have them for four more years. During
those four years he visited the site regularly.
In 1827 Joseph Smith was permitted by the angel to take the tablets home. Joseph Smith
claimed to have these tablets in his possession for three years before he started their
translation. These tablets were inscribed in "reformed Egyptian hieroglyphics" and were
translated by Smith using his personal Rosetta Stone which he called the "urim and
thummim". Because he was the only one able to look upon the tablets, he strung a sheet
across his room and got his friend, Martin Harris, to take down the translation as he read it to
him from behind this curtain. Harris was not allowed to see the tablets, for his eyes were too
profane to look upon these celestial tablets.
Oliver Cowdery later took over from Harris, being more literate and thought to be better at
the job. Finally, in 1830, the new revelation was published in Palmyra and three witnesses
certified the existence of the plates. In August of that year, the Church of Christ, which
later became the Church of Christ of the Latter Day Saints, was formed by six people
who met at Fayette, New York. In 1831 Joseph left New York for Kirkland, Ohio. From
there he went to Missouri (according to history this was done in a hurry as there was a threat
of a huge bank fraud hanging over his head). Things did not go too well for him there either
and ultimately he moved to a new place on the banks of the Mississippi, called Nauvoo, in
Illinois. It was here that militia killed him in 1844.
In 1847 Brigham Young, using hard-headed business principles rather than revelations and
visions, led the followers to a new area in Utah. There they are today and have grown to
many million strong. Once rejected by the American people, whom they call the Gentiles,
they now seem reconciled to them – they all live happily side-by-side. This, of course, was
not always the case in the early days under Joseph Smith.
B. Articles of Faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints
Joseph Smith received the revelation of the articles of faith and set out thirteen general
statements as the main points of Mormon belief.
As we look at some of these, we will see that they sound very similar to the articles of faith
for Christian believers. However, their interpretation of these articles bears no resemblance
to the traditional Christian doctrines on which we base our faith.
Article I: "We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the
Holy Ghost".
What do the Latter Day Saints mean by the above article?
a) Firstly, this is not a trinity of three persons in one God, for Mormon catechism teaches
that there are many gods. These many gods are human beings grown divine.
"God Himself was once as we now are and is an exalted man". (Brigham Young,
Journal of Discourses, Vol. 6, p4).
"The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's". (Joseph Smith, The
Doctrine of Covenants).
Roberts (The Lord Has Spoken, p314) argues this same point from the position of the
physicality of the Son, Christ. If Christ was physical, then the Father must also be
b) “The gods not only have bodies and wives, but are polygamous, with an endless
progeny of children. The difference between the Holy Spirit and the other gods is that
the Holy Spirit has a more refined materiality”. (Smith, Compendium of Doctrine,
p259). Mormonism teaches that all spirit is material and all matter is eternal.
Article III: "We believe that through the atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved,
by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel".
As with all modern religions and cults, salvation is by works and not by grace through faith.
This is based on their understanding that the death of Christ cancelled the necessity of man's
dying. With the penalty of sin removed by the atonement, man is apparently then in a
position to earn his own salvation by his obedience to the law and gospel (John Taylor, The
Meditation and Atonement, p170).
Talmage says it this way, "that the works of Mormonism are considered meritorious and
deserving, is clear". Consistently, justification by faith is rejected. To understand this fully,
we must understand the Latter Day Saints’ understanding of sin. "We believe that men will
be punished for their own sins and not for Adam's transgression". (Talmage). Having
rejected the doctrine of the imputation of the guilt of sin, Latter Day Saints likewise
repudiate the transmission of inherent corruption, or original sin. (Joseph Smith, Doctrine
and Covenants.)
The Latter Day Saints believe that even Adam cannot be held responsible for his sin. “His
sin was not a sin and his fall was not downward but upward”. Mormonism clearly states that
Adam's sin was necessary and inevitable and that it affected mankind to great advantage.
Talmage states, "Adam found himself in a position that compelled him to disobey one of the
requirements of God. He and his wife had been commanded to multiply and replenish the
earth. Adam was still immortal, Eve had come under the penalty of mortality, and in such
dissimilar conditions the two could not remain together, and therefore could not fulfil the
divine requirement. On the other hand, Adam would be disobeying another command by
yielding to his wife's request. He deliberately and wisely decided to stand by the first and
greater commandment, and, therefore, with a full comprehension of the nature of his act, he
also partook of the fruit that grew on the tree of knowledge. The fact that Adam acted
understandably in this matter is affirmed by the Scriptures".
The Mormon catechism puts the whole matter more briefly and bluntly. “Was it necessary
that Adam should partake of the forbidden fruit?” Answer: “Yes. Unless he had done so, he
would not have known good and evil here, neither could he have had moral posterity”. “Did
Adam and Eve lament or rejoice because they had transgressed the commandment?”
Answer: “They rejoiced and praised God”.
Elder MacAlister gives this explanation, "The earthly bodies of Adam and Eve were no
doubt intended by the heavenly father to be immortal tabernacles for their spirits, but it was
necessary for them to pass through mortality and be redeemed through the sacrifice made by
Jesus Christ that the fullness of life might come. Therefore, they knowingly disobeyed God's
They place a great importance on God’s commandment for Adam and Eve to populate the
earth, which is where the root of the Mormon's greatest moral defect, polygamy, lies.
Article VIII: "We believe the Bible to be the Word of God as far as it is translated
correctly. We also believe the Book of Mormon to be the Word of God".
While they consider the Bible and the Book of Mormon to be most authoritative books, the
church of the Latter Day Saints also accepted Joseph Smith's Doctrine and Covenants and
Pearl of Great Price as authoritative works.
The Book of Mormon is a record of extra-Biblical as well as Biblical history. The source of
this information was allegedly taken from the golden plates that Joseph Smith translated
with the aid of the "urim and thummim" from "reformed Egyptian hieroglyphics".
The principal content of the Book of Mormon is the narrative of the dispersal of the Jews
after their captivity and their settlement and struggle in America.
Further beliefs and practices.
1. Adam = God.
This is the doctrine that Adam was the Father God, based on the statement by Brigham
Young in the Journal of Discourses: "When the virgin Mary conceived the child Jesus,
the Father had begotten him in his own likeness. The Holy Ghost did not beget him.
And who was the Father? He was the first of the human family – Jesus, our elder
brother, was begotten in the flesh by the same character that was in the Garden of Eden
and who is our Father in heaven".
2. Baptism for the Dead.
This practice of baptising the dead by proxy is based on the Mormon interpretation of
1 Corinthians 15:29, that no dead person may go to heaven until baptised. If we
consider their understanding that flesh is immortal, then we will understand why they
practice the baptism for the dead.
How do they view the subject of baptism for the dead? “Millions of earth sons and
daughters have passed out of the body without obeying the law of baptism. Many of
them will gladly accept the word and law of the Lord when it is proclaimed to them in
the spirit world. But they cannot there attend to the ordinances that belong to the
sphere that they have left. Can nothing be done in this case? Must they forever be shut
out of the kingdom of heaven? Both justice and mercy join in answering "yes" to the
first and "no" to the last question. What, then, is the way of their deliverance? The
living may be baptised for the dead. This glorious truth, hidden from human
knowledge for centuries, has been made known in this greatest of all divine
dispensations. It gives men and women the power to become "saviours of Mt. Zion",
Jesus being the great captain of the army of redeemers”.
It is interesting to note that the Latter Day Saints have one of the most competent
computerized systems in the world, set aside for this very purpose, and that all
Mormons are involved in the collation of facts and genealogies necessary for this task.
A Mormon missionary was asked about this and about how far back they would go.
He stated "right back to Adam".
3. Three Heavens.
Mormon doctrine teaches that there are three heavens:
a) Celestial heaven – the highest heaven reserved for faithful Mormons only.
b) Terrestrial heaven – an earthly paradise reserved for non-Mormons who are
ignorant of the truth, but who are nonetheless, honourable persons.
c) Telestial heaven – the lowest of the three Mormon grades of heaven where the
wicked apparently dwell.
4. Three migrations from the Bible lands.
According to the Book of Mormon, there were three migrations from the Bible lands.
The last two included the Lamanites and the Nephites. The Lamanites were warriors
who eventually destroyed the Nephites. The Lamanites went on to become the
American Indians. The Lamanites are said to have originally been descendants from
one of the tribes of Israel.
5. Polygamy.
Whilst polygamy has been categorically denied by the officials of the Mormon church,
the practice or principle remains. The principle comes from "the revelation of the
eternity of the marriage covenant" which was given through Joseph the Seer, on July
12th, 1843, and reads as follows: "And again as pertaining to the law of the priesthood.
If any man espouse a virgin and desire to espouse another and the first give her
consent, and if he espouse the second and they are virgins and have vowed to no other
man, then he is justified, he cannot commit adultery, for they are given unto him. For
he cannot commit adultery with that which belongeth to him and no one else. And if
he have ten virgins given unto him by this law, he cannot commit adultery for they
belong to him, and they are given unto him, therefore he is justified".
To further justify this "prophetic" word, a doctrine was developed that a woman cannot
be saved without being "sealed" to a man. This brings us to "spiritual wifery".
6. Spiritual wifery.
This is a temple-performed marriage, in which a spiritual affinity occurs between the
partners and makes the marriage eternal.
7. The Mormon Temple.
The Mormon temple plays a very important part in Mormonism. For here it is that the
ritual of baptism of the dead by proxy, celestial marriages and spiritual wifery take
The Mormon temple is not to be confused with the local Mormon church. There are
very few temples in the world and South Africa, which is seen as a major mission area
for Mormons, has only one temple and that is located in Johannesburg. The temples,
when they are first opened, are normally open to the public in general for a few days.
At the end of that period, however, they become out of bounds for everyone except
those select few who are invited to be part of temple ceremonies.
The temple ceremonies are secret and are not known to the average Mormon. These
secret rituals are very similar to those practised in the Masonic Lodges. Joseph Smith
who was initiated to Masonry on March 5th, 1842, along with several other Mormon
leaders, organised the first Mason Lodge in Nauvoo, Illinois. He, along with 1500
other Mormons, were kicked out of Masonry shortly afterwards and immediately
started the temple ceremonies of Mormonism.
Lesson 7
A. Introduction
Isn't Freemasonry just a secret society that believes in doing good works?
Listen to what a Mason says: "Masonry is an eminently religious institution, and on this
ground should the religious Mason defend it". [Taken from The Encyclopaedia of
Freemasonry, Albert G. Mackey, former General Grand High Priest of the General Grand
Chapter of the United States.]
Because Freemasonry is a secret society, some of its history is difficult to trace. However, it
has been said that it originates as far back as the time of the building of King Solomon's
temple. Some of its decrees are linked with ancient orders dating back to the crusades. Albert
Pike, in Morals and Dogmas, states "The first Masonic legislator, whose memory is
preserved to us by history, was Buddha who, about 1,000 years before the Christian era,
reformed the religion of Manous. He called to the priesthood all men, without distinction of
caste, who felt themselves inspired by God to instruct men".
The reliable history of the movement dates back to 1717 AD, when two clergymen, a
Presbyterian and an Anglican were instrumental in forming the first Grand Lodge in
Freemasonry is found in many parts of the world and has had considerable influence in the
area of politics and religion. For instance, it is claimed that at least 15 of the American
Presidents have been Masons.
B. Masonic Teachings
1. Their view of God.
In most Lodges God is acknowledged as "The Great Architect of the Universe", or
"Supreme Grand Master", or "The Nameless One of a Hundred Names".
From Pike’s Morals and Dogmas page 23: “It [Masonry] reverences all the great
reformers. It sees in Moses – Law Giver of the Jews, in Confucius and Zoroaster, in
Jesus of Nazareth and in the Arabian Iconoclast, great teachers of morality and
eminent reformers if not more, and allows every brother of the Order to assign to each
such higher and even divine character as his creed and truth require”.
“We do not under-value the importance of any truth. We utter no word that can be
deemed irreverent by anyone of any faith. We do not tell the Moslem that it is only
important for him to believe that there is but one God, and wholly unessential whether
Mohammed was his prophet. We do not tell the Hebrew that the Messiah whom he
expects, was born in Bethlehem nearly 2,000 years ago, and that he is a heretic because
he will not so believe. And as little do we tell the sincere Christian, that Jesus of
Nazareth was but a man like us, or his history but the unreal revival of an older legend.
To do either is beyond our jurisdiction”.
“Masonry, of no one age, belongs to all time; of no one religion, it finds its great truths
in all. To every Mason there is a God, one supreme, infinite in goodness, wisdom,
foresight, justice and benevolence, creator, disposer and preserver of all things. How
or by what intermediates he acts or creates, and in what way he unfolds and manifests
himself, Masonry leaves to creeds and religions to inquire”.
2. The Masonic Trinity.
The Mason in the Royal Arch Degree, a degree through which the Knight Templar is
to pass on his way to the "Christian Degree", has a secret name revealed to him at his
initiation ceremony. This name is the name of the true God re-discovered and is "JAHBUL-
ON". "This", quotes Rongstad in How To Respond To The Lodge, "is the Royal
Arch Mason's Trinity. JAH is an abbreviation for the Hebrew name of God "Yahweh",
or "Jehovah". BUL or BAL is the name for the Assyrian deity mentioned throughout
the Old Testament as Baal. ON is the Egyptian Sun God".
3. Salvation.
The following excerpts are from the Masonic “Bible”.
a) Freemasonry is a complete system of symbolic teaching, and can be known only
by those acquainted with its meaning.
b) Its symbols are moral, philosophical and religious and reveal to the intelligent
Mason the awful mystery of life and of death.
c) A belief in God and a belief in a resurrection to a future life is the belief of every
true Mason.
d) "The cornerstone" in Masonic symbolism, signifies a true Mason.
e) "By the lambskin", the Mason is reminded that purity of life and rectitude of
conduct is so essentially necessary to his gaining admission to the celestial lodge
above, where the Supreme Architect of the Universe forever resides.
And thus, guided by Masonry, they may live in hope of being accepted by the
most high as successful candidates for admission into the Grand Lodge above.
4. The New Birth.
“The Lodge is then the reception of an entered apprentice, a symbol of the world, and
the initiation is a type of the new life upon which the candidate is about to enter. He
came inquiringly to our doors, seeking the new birth and asking a withdrawal of the
veil which conceals divine truth from his uninitiated sight”. (The Ritualist, p22, by
5. Further beliefs and practices.
“An Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry and Its Kindred Sciences”, by Albert G. Mackey,
published by the Masonic History Company has the following quotations:
a) The Bible: "The Bible is used by Masons as a symbol of the will of God,
however it may be expressed. And therefore, whatever to any people expresses
that will, may be used as a substitute for the Bible in a Masonic Lodge. Thus in a
Lodge consisting entirely of Jews, the Old Testament can be placed on the altar
alone. The Turkish Masons make use of the Koran".
b) The Religion of Masonry: "The religion of Masonry is not sectarian. It admits
men of every creed within its hospitable bosom, rejecting none and approving
none for his peculiar faith".
c) The Cross: "On the revival in 1707 when the ritual was re-modified, it differed
very greatly from the meagre one in practice among the Masons. All allusions to
the cross were left out because Masonry was not sectarian but universal".
d) The Master Mason: "As a Master Mason he is taught the truth most important
and necessary of the truths, that having been faithful to all his trusts, he is at last
to die and to receive the reward of his fidelity".
e) The Final Destination: Being a secret society, the final destination will not be
known until you arrive there. We saw under the Masonic teaching that they
declare firstly that God is whoever you choose Him to be. We then see under
“trinity”, that He has a name and represents three known gods and his name is
"JAH-BUL-ON, the true god". This "true god" is later revealed to be Lucifer.
For reference we quote Albert Pike – "Sovereign of Universal Masonry". He
also occupied simultaneously the position of Grand Master of the Central
Directory of Washington and that of Grand Commander of the Sovereign Pontiff
of Universal Freemasonry. On July 14, 1889, he gave these instructions to the 23
Supreme Councils of the World:
"To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat
it to the brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees. The Masonic religion
should be by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of
the Luciferian doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonai (the God of the
Christians), whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy, and hatred of man,
barbarianism and repulsion for science, would Adonai and his priests calumniate
him. Yes, Lucifer is God. Thus the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy and the true
and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonai (Jesus
Christ). But Lucifer, the "God of Light" and "God of Good" is struggling for
humanity, against Adonai, the "God of Darkness and Evil".
C. Conclusion
We note that:
a) The Masonic religion is universal and syncretistic (attempting inconsistently to unify
or reconcile differing schools of thought).
b) The supreme degrees of Masonry worship Lucifer.
c) Salvation through faith in the work of Jesus Christ on the cross is denied. Masonry
offers salvation to its members on the basis of moral reformation alone.
d) Exclusively male communities.
e) Masonic initiation is symbolic of receiving the new birth.
Lesson 8
In the late 1940's Ron Hubbard declared: "If a man really wants to make a million, the best way
would be to start his own religion" ... and he did just that, calling it the "Church of Scientology"
in 1954.
According to their literature….
 Scientology is "the fastest growing spiritual self-betterment and reform group in the world".
 "Man's situation needed a solution and Scientology is that solution".
 "Scientology helps man to become more able and brings about greater individual peace and
happiness. This feeling of happiness becomes a major part of a Scientology individual's life".
 "In addition, one of the aims of Scientology is to achieve a world without insanity, war and
 "Scientology helps people to achieve their goals ... Scientology makes it possible for any
religion to attain its goals and is therefore a religion of religions. Scientology alone provides
the essential answers to life".
A. What is “Scientology”?
The word "Scientology" was coined by Hubbard and means "The study of knowledge" or
"The science of knowledge", i.e. "knowing how to know" “... in order that man can come to
understand himself truly and fully so that he can bring peace with sanity to his earthly
existence… It is a study of man as a spirit in his relationship to life and the physical
universe… a religious philosophy … concerning itself with man and his relation to the
supreme being and life, bringing man to total freedom and truth”. It is a religion heavily
influenced (as we shall see later) by Eastern religious philosophy and “science fiction”.
It claims to be "a modern religion for today's man … designed to assist individuals of all
faiths and creeds to discover for themselves the essential answers to life". The Church of
Scientology conducts "basic services such as sermons at church meetings, christenings,
weddings and funerals".
The Reader's Digest (May 1980) calls it “one of the oldest, wealthiest and most dangerous
of the major new religions or cults operating today… a multi-national racket,
masquerading as a religion”.
Before we consider their teaching and method of operation, it is necessary first to take a look
at their background.
B. Background
1. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology and Dianetics (the philosophy behind the
movement) has a most interesting background. The British Sunday Times carried an
article entitled "the odd beginning of Ron Hubbard's career" and describes his close
and bizarre association with Alister Crowley, a known satanist, whose dabbling in
black magic earned him the title "the wickedest man in the world". Hubbard was one
of his most enthusiastic disciples as a young man. (Scientology denies this).
They believe him to be an "educationalist, philosopher, researcher, writer and
explorer". He claims that he is a nuclear physicist who was severely wounded in the
Second World War. "Taken crippled and blind to a naval hospital", he claims to have
"worked his way back to fitness and full perception in less than two years" ... in the
process discovering dianetics and scientology – "the answers to most of mankind’s
The Reader's Digest (May 1980) researched his background and claim that US Navy
records do not indicate he saw combat or was ever wounded. “In fact, he was
discharged and given a 40% disability pension because of an ulcer, arthritis and other
ailments”. He took a course in molecular and atomic physics, which he failed. He was
also arrested for petty theft in connection with cheques and complained to the FBI that
the Communist spies were after him. A note attached to one of his letters to the FBI
carries the words "Make 'appears mental' card". The Veterans administration for
psychiatric care requested to treat him for "long periods of moroseness and suicidal
At present he lives on a southern California ranch in great style and wealth. The
Reader's Digest states that his retinue includes young women, known officially as
'messengers', who light his ever-present cigarettes and catch the ashes. “They record
every word he says, including his frequent obscene outbursts of rage, help him out of
bed in the morning, run his shower and dress him. His office is scrubbed daily and his
laundry rinsed 13 times in fresh water. Former members say that he erupts violently if
he smells soap on his clothes! His third wife, Mary Sue Hubbard, assists him
2. His writings.
In 1950 he published Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, and this is
the textbook of the movement ... "The most advanced and most clearly presented
method of psychotherapy and self-improvement ever discovered". Two years later he
published Scientology: A History of Man, and today he has a tremendous collection
of books, articles and tape-recorded lectures on the market.
3. The Church of Scientology.
He founded the first Church of Scientology in Washington DC in 1954 and, at the
present time, claims to have more than five million adherents "with thousands
joining yearly". Figures in 1978 claimed 79 churches worldwide, 172 missions and
study groups in 34 nations and over 6000 full time staff. His churches pay him a
percentage of their gross (usually 10%) and untold riches are placed in bank accounts
in Switzerland and elsewhere under his and his wife's control. Scientology literature
informs us "he is probably a millionaire several times over".
4. The financial structure.
Scientology has many courses and each costs a fair amount of money. The Reader's
Digest (May 1980 and Sept 1981) carries many testimonies of people who have spent
literally thousands of dollars. One French Scientologist spent 200,000 dollars for a
few weeks' "services" at the Florida centre. Hubbard continually adds new grades and
"levels" of belief and the higher one goes, the more costly it becomes.
A recent schedule of costs in South Africa states "the Church of Scientology requests
a minimum donation for church services rendered ...you may give more if you wish".
The costs are listed as follows:
First six months' membership is free.
Yearly renewal costs R40.00 per member.
Permanent membership costs R120.00 per member.
Purification rundown costs R500.00.
Survival rundown and co-audit course costs R500.00.
Success through communication course (first and most basic) costs R40.00.
Happiness rundown – per 12 half-hour intensive – cost R630.00.
According to the US government information, the movement is grossing more than
150 million dollars per year in the USA alone. (In 1976 the IRS found 2,86 million
dollars in cash on Hubbard's 100 metre flagship APOLLO .. and “he has a lot more
stashed away”).
According to the Reader's Digest, his policy letters to staff are punctuated with
exhortations to “make money, make more money, and make other people produce
so as to make money”. “When numbers of recruits and receipts fall off, he orders his
staff onto a diet of rice and beans. Once firmly in control of mind and money he
reduces his converts to "emotional serfs" working fulltime for a small 'fee', making
new recruits and more money to help clear this planet of insanity, crime and evil”.
In order to take advantage of financial grants, the organisation also has 'front' bodies
such as the "Social co-ordination bureau", "Apple Schools" (USA) and
"NARCONONS" (drug rehabilitation programme), with high fees for its services and
a poor success rate, according to a West Berlin Senate Investigation.
"His book sales are astronomical", can be read in Scientology literature, “and he is one
of the highest paid writers in America”.
5. Method of operation.
He directs Scientology "ministers" to watch newspapers for stories of accidents, illness
or death. "As speedily as possible, make a personal call on the bereaved or injured
person … unless you have bodies in the shop, you get no income. So, on any pretext,
get bodies in the place".
(R/Digest Sept '81) “I.Q. tests and 'communications courses' are offered to the general
public and they undergo "hypnotic training routines" developed by him. According to
a University of California psychologist who has interviewed hundreds of former cult
members: "These routines can split the personality into a severe, disassociated state,
and the recruits are hooked before they realise what is happening". Peace and freedom
from anxiety are promised to the troubled, and "auditing" (scientology counselling),
we are assured, will increase one's IQ one point per hour of counselling.
"Scientologists are the upper tenth of the upper tenth in intelligence".
The Scientology "minister" uses an E-meter (a crude type of lie detector) to "audit" the
recruit. Candidates grip this machine and supply the most personal details of their
lives. When the needle jumps they are told that an "engram" has been detected – i.e. a
recall of an unpleasant experience either in this life or in former incarnations. When
these experiences are confronted he will become "totally free", restored to a
superhuman state, his "memory bin" cleared. Already 32,000 individuals from many
parts of the world have achieved the state of “clear” ... this number is expected to
reach the million mark by 1985". (Scientology article, Durban Mirror, July 1981, by
Sc. Success Centre). "Is Ron clear? Yes – in order to map the route for others, he had
to make it himself". This auditing process is very costly as one progresses through
different "levels" until you become an "operating thetan" (or spirit), who can make
vast space journeys at will, uninhibited by the body.
N.B. According to their own documents and defectors affidavits, these confessions
are filed for blackmail purposes against anyone involved who becomes a
"potential trouble source" by threatening to defect, go to the authorities or
generate hostile publicity.
The "eight-pointed cross" of Scientology represents the "eight parts or dynamics of
life" and the "operating thetan", through the processes of Scientology can eventually
live in perfect harmony in each of these areas.
These are: a) The self dynamic; b) sex dynamic (families and procreation); c) group
dynamic (mankind); d) animal kingdom; e) all living things; f) physical universe (i.e.
control over matter energy, space and time); g) spiritual dynamic; h) The God dynamic
(realisation and understanding of the supreme being).
When the individual has personally unravelled his true role in the scheme of things and
recognised his true role and his own cause with respect to the events of his life, this is
termed in Scientology 'the state of clear'.
C. What do they believe about ... ?
1. God.
"We have no dogma in Scientology ... each person attains his own certainty as to who
God is and exactly what God means to him. The author of the universe exists. How
this is symbolised is dictated by your early training and conscience".
"The watchword of Scientology is: IT IS ONLY TRUE IF IT IS TRUE FOR YOU".
2. The Person of Jesus Christ.
They see Him as a "great man of his times… a great man with a lot of knowledge .. a
philosopher". "There are many great religious prophets and leaders, each of whom has
left a path towards God. Religious prophets are recognised in Scientology as the
torchbearers of culture and civilisation".
3. The Work of Christ (The Atonement).
Not part of their teaching.
"We believe .. that man is basically good, that he is seeking to survive, that his survival
depends upon himself and upon his fellows and his attainment of brotherhood with
the universe: .. and we believe that the spirit alone may save or heal the body".
"It is our mission as scientologists, as it was Christ's disciples, to bring wisdom, good
health and immortality to mankind".
4. The Resurrection and Promised Return.
Not part of their theology.
5. Man.
“Man is a spirit being (thetan) operating by a body, i.e. the personality is an immortal
spirit that can separate from the body without death or derangement”. Hubbard
claims to have traced human existence back 74 billion years, suggesting it began
on Venus. “Today's earthlings are material manifestations of eternal spirits, who are
reincarnated time and again over the aeons”. (In his "executive directive" at Christmas
1980 Hubbard wrote: "I am as well as can be expected for anyone over several trillion
years old .. the future is ours".)
“The true believer is told that he is an elite thetan – a hero of a long-lost intergalactic
civilisation slaughtered by evil forces on the planet Helatrobus some 40 trillion years
ago. The defeated Thetans were then exiled to the planet Earth, where they remained
in ignorance, until Hubbard summoned them to resume their rightful place in the
Galactic Confederation”. (R/Digest Sept 81). Scientology quote: "Man is not his body,
his mind or his brain. He, a spiritual force, energises the physical body and his life".
6. Salvation / Sin & Judgement / Heaven & Hell.
"Man is basically good but aberrated [Oxford Dic. 'aberration' – straying from the path,
breaking of rules, moral slip, deviation from type]. Through Scientology he can
confront his actions, erase the ignorance and aberration which surrounds him, and
know and experience truth again… Sin is composed of lies and hidden actions and is
therefore untruth".
Sin or aberrations, according to Hubbard, have lessened the Thetan's abilities and
made him more dependant on his body. “Through Scientology’s “auditing” this
process can be reversed and complete spiritual ability restored to the Thetan. These
abilities, lessened through many lifetimes, have caused man to be in his present state.
Our earthly troubles result from ghostly mental images (engrams) – painful
experiences either in this life or in former incarnations”. In his original book Dianetics,
Hubbard claimed to have "cleared" 270 cases of engrams, thus greatly increasing IQ's
and curing assorted ills. In his monthly personal letters he advertises that Scientology
can remedy ailments from cancer to the common cold. It can cure problems from
arthritis to heart trouble and is the only specific cure for atomic-bomb burns!
"Dianetics (the philosophy of Scientology) gives the discovery of the single source of
all man's insanities, psychosomatic ills, neuroses and more! It describes exactly what
this is and how it remained hidden for so long. The technology of dianetics provides
workable ways to get rid of this single source so the mind can be restored to its full
maximum potential".
“The ideal for the Thetan is to be fully perceptive, without any aberrations, in each of
the eight dynamics of life – free from material inhibitions – the free, supernatural
being he was originally before the trouble started and he was exiled to earth … The
faithful will go with Ron to the next planet”.
As we have already noted, advanced courses on salvation and "enlightenment" can be
very costly, until one finally reaches the perfect state of being in full control of his own
mental matter, energy, space, time, etc. – no longer acting unknowingly, but always
acting knowingly. "Scientology helps you to intelligently control all parts and
conditions of existence .. it helps put you at cause over your mind and life".
It is not surprising to find, as the R/Digest (Sept 81) puts it: “an international trail of
tragic victims ... resultant insanity and even suicide”.
7. The Holy Spirit.
See their doctrine of God.
8. The Bible.
"Scientology itself demands no belief or faith: Its watchword is: IT IS ONLY TRUE
Their textbook is Hubbard's book on Dianetics, as well as his other literature.
(Special note: One of the books that they sell is the SCIENTOLOGY PASSPORT TO
FREEDOM. "Valid for life, the Scientology Passport to Freedom can also be renewed
each lifetime with a new name ... you can keep track of your progress in Scientology
from lifetime to lifetime, pick up your journey where you left off and continue on.
With this passport, you will now travel faster and smoother on your journey to
freedom, bringing order into your progress as you go. So, what does it take to be free?
Buy your passport and walk the bridge to freedom ... your travel papers await you!")
A former "auditor" or "spiritual counsellor", who defected after ten years said: "If they
were to tell you that stuff at the start, you'd just laugh and walk out. It seems absolutely
incredible now, but I actually came to believe it". It is given in "time-released
capsules". Scientology literature tells us that "confidential materials in the upper level
courses are not given to ‘raw meat’ (new recruits) to ensure that a student does not
impede his progress, or that of his friends, by studying materials he is not yet qualified
to handle".
In 1972 a South African Commission of Enquiry found that Scientology was not a
religion and that some of its adherents were involved in "harmful practices". Hubbard
is banned in this country.
The R/Digest mentioned state evidence that, in the USA, court convictions, seized
church documents and defectors' affidavits, testify that Scientology has indulged in
burglary, espionage, blackmail, kidnapping, false imprisonment, conspiracy to steal
government documents and to obstruct justice. "In the months since the article
appeared in May 1980 a flood of reader reaction has convinced us that our article only
scratched the surface. Indeed, there is every indication that Scientology's international
operations are at least as chilling as the US operations described in the May 1980
article. And they continue to grow at an alarming pace". (R/Digest).
Recent articles in the newspapers, as well as the R/Digest tells us of the Worldwide
Guardian Office, headed by Mrs. Hubbard and a South African woman. Created in
1966 its objective was "to sweep aside opposition sufficiently to create a vacuum into
which Scientology can expand". Hubbard's charge to it was: "Don't ever defend –
always attack". Its duty is "to ferret out those who want to stop Scientology".
Said Hubbard: "Find or manufacture enough threat against them to cause them to sue
for peace. Originate a black PR campaign to destroy the person's repute and to
discredit them so thoroughly they will be ostracised. Be very alert to sue for slander at
the slightest chance so as to discourage the public presses from mentioning
Scientology. The purpose of the suit is to harass and discourage rather than to win".
Court cases against Scientologist are also in the news: at the moment cases are on
appeal of eleven of Hubbard's top Guardian aides on charges of conspiracy, burglary
and theft of secret documents from US government offices. "Suits filed by the church
were for the sole purpose of financially bankrupting its critics and to create an
atmosphere of fear ..." (US attorney, Ray Banoun, who is handling the prosecution
mentioned above).
Lorna Levett of Calgary, Alberta, founded a Scientology mission and headed it for six
years, according to the R/Digest, until she came to realise that "we are involved in an
international conspiracy". In 1974 she led a mass defection of 43 fellow members
and, despite smears, harassment and a 100 000 dollar lawsuit, they have successfully
resisted every scientology effort to silence them. She declares "Psychological
coercion by dangerous mind-bending cults under cover of religion can only occur
... when the truth is allowed to go unpublished".
"In the latter times some will abandon the faith
and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons". (1 Tim.4:1)

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni