Jumamosi, 28 Desemba 2013


CHAPTER FOUR . RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. 4.0. Introduction. This chapter presents and analyses the research findings on factors that accelerate the suicide in community .Taking Mbalizi as the case study. It includes the analysis of respondents’ opinion, comments and suggestions. 4.1. The general information of respondents. The study involved 60 respondents in total number. The researcher managed to collect data to 10 street chairpersons and the remaining 50 were the citizens of the town of Mbalizi. Among them male were 20 while female were 30 as expected sample due to limitation mentioned in chapter one in this research work. Therefore questionnaire was to profile the factors that accelerate suicide in community as whole. Table 1 shows the respondent reached by the researcher . Age Sex Collar leaders frequency Percentages Male Female Male Female 10-25 13 7 - - 20 33.3% 26-45 14 6 3 - 23 38.3% 46-70 4 6 - 7 17 28.3% Total 31 19 3 7 60 100% Table 2 shows the age of people who have ever tried to commit suicide or have experienced the thought of suicide. Respondents responded in different ways, 30 responded that they had thoughts of suicide and some of them went far that they attempted suicide in the age of 12 to 38years, while 12 responded that they had experienced suicide in the age of 40 to 55 while the remaining 10 they experienced suicide in 55 to 75. Age Male Female Frequency percentages 12-38 22 16 38 63% 40-50 5 7 12 20% Total 27 23 50 83% Table 3 respondent perception awareness. Family and schools problems 13 21.7% Loss of man power 9 15% Don’t know 7 11.7% Yes 17 28.3% No any mechanism has been taken. 8 13.3% Yes 6 10% Regarding to the issue of suicide it has been reported that about 38.3% of respondent has the thought of suicide and some of them repotted to have attempted suicide. This is the great challenge to community and the nation al at large. A large number of people commit suicide every day . society are not aware on how to prevent or eliminate the suicide problems in the community this is manifested when 12% of respondent they don’t know the mechanism on how suicide problem can be eradicated within their community. Also 10 respondentents responded that no any measure that has been taken by the community to prevent this problem. This show how people lack knowledge on dealing with suicide. CHAPTER FIVE. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1. Conclusion. On the basis of the findings from this study as presented analyzed and interpreted in chapter four the main conclusion is as follows: Suicide is the great problem to the contemporary society than previous. The rate of suicide is being increasing rapidly .This is because when people fall in stressful events they do not have any other alternative .The suicide thought attacks them and they start to think that committing suicide is the only way of escaping all problems in the world. And when one is totally in deep thought of suicide will attempt suicide. Due to interpretation of the data of the study, it has been noted that women are the one who are affected much by suicide attempt though they do not complete suicide due to the use of lethal methods like tablets swallow. Women face many families problems in the society like sexual abuse, economic abuse and family violence .Women are seen in the society as the weak creature compared to men hence men tend to oppress and humiliate their wives. This has led to the increase of psychological disorder to women. Social support has found a great help to the women, without social support network that women have compared to men the suicide problem to women could be much bigger than how it is now. Also adolescent has found to have much suicide thought to the problems related to home and school as well When they are over protected by their parents they feel uncertainty and think to committee suicide . Also when they get school problems like failure of examination or termination from school due to various reasons they tend to think on suicide as the solution to their problems. The study has shown that many people have ever been with suicide thought in their lives and it was caused with the stress when they faced the difficult situation like Loss of job, divorce, death of beloved one and hard life. Some of them until now have the suicide thought which is caused by facing stressful events which lead to lost consciousness easily and get suicide thought. Therefore this study concludes that all people should know that suicide is around of every body in every day life .Although people are not aware that they are surrounded by the suicide. This is manifested when a person gets the psychological problems like anger, mood disorder Depression and panic disorder. 5.2 Recommendations . Introduction of counseling unity, This is because psychological problems face all people at all age . The government should introduce the counseling unity in every village or town. Every vi9llage should have more than one trained counselors who will be dealing with therapy or counseling people in the community. This is because many people have the problems but they don’t know where to get the help or counseling hence when they face difficult situation they decide to endanger their life by committing suicide. Also people should be given education on the importance of getting counseling when they are in the difficult situation in their daily life. People should be taught the counseling is the part and parcel of their life, and that they should not fear to attend counseling when they face difficult situation . Introduction of gander equality; 12government should ensure the gander equality in the community especially within the family. Because many family problems occur due to the gander inequality that exist within the family Such as Sexual abuse .Domestic violence , economic abuse and other like. One sex especially man is seen superior than woman . Men tend to dominate his wife as the weak creature. This result to family problems that acceralate women to attempt suicide frequently. So in order to avoid this there should be the equal opportunity within the families. All member of the family should have equal chance in participating in family affairs such as decision making. Provision of social support ; government and other non government organization should ensure the availability of social support to the all people. This is because when a person face the difficult situation and lack social support he or she is likely to develop mantel disorder such as depression, mood disorder and panic disorder all these are the agents of suicide . We must ensure that all people have the enough social support network. Also government should provide the necessary social services free of charges. This will reduce the hard life that citizen experience. Those social services are like health, education, transport, water and energy. Not only that but also citizen should be given the loan and aids in order to improve their lives. This will help to the reduction of number of suicide. 5.3. Area for further studies; They were some very important issues raised but the study did not look into their details. These issues could be captured by interested researchers in future. Some suggested areas for further studies includes : Mechanism on elimination suicide in the community especially Tanzania. By focusing on different context. This should be done by considering the nature of the environment of particular community EFFECTS OF SUICIDE . Suicide has many effects to the remaining people in the society in which individual person has committed suicide .these effects are as follows ; Decline of family economy; when a person who was the head of family and responsible for providing the needs of family or caring the family commits suicide automatic family economy downfalls .the remaining member of family who were depending on that person startst to live hard life due to the failure to get basic needs like food, clothes, health services and school needs for the children. (www.psch.suicide.com) Psychological disorders; when individual person in family commit suicide leads psychological problems to the remaining ones in that family especially the children and other relatives. This psychological disorders are mood disorder, depression disorder, grief, panic disorder and post traumatic stress disorder .All these disorders if are not treated early can lead individual who have this problems to commit suicide also. Therefore all psychological problems to the remaining ones should be handled effectively to rescue other family member doing the same as his or her relative done. (www.mentalhealth.org) Loss of man power; when an individual die by any cause normally the man power of national is being lost. This is because people are the national man power. Suicide has lost a lot of expertise and the qualified professional people who were very important to their family and national in general for stance doctors, teachers, engineers high government officers .the lost of man power leads to the decrease of national development. (www.wikipedia.com) Rise of conflict; when a member of family commit suicide normally conflicts occur within that family or that clan because that family members start to find who causes their fellow to commit suicide. They start to suspect and blame each other hence misunderstanding occur. If this is not handed well it can be a police case . the suspected one can be arrested by police officers for the further investigation and some times can be imprisoned as the one who caused the death of that individual dead one. (www.conflictcause.com

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Chapisha Maoni